WAR & PEACEOnce the Third World War is declared, Biden will proceed to declare Martial Law or State of War and his...
Sökresultat / ResultsGermán Gorraiz López
A Plot by the Fourth Branch of Government Against Trump
WAR & PEACEAfter the failed judicial offensive against Trump, the globalists of George Soros proceeded to the gestation of an exogenous plot...
Are the US and NATO planning to neutralize Kaliningrad?
WAR & PEACEThe father of the Argentine Constitution, Juan Bautista Alberdi in his book "The Crime of War" written in 1872 states...
NATO’s Entry into the Ukrainian War Could Lead to 90 million Dead and Injured
WAR & PEACEThe war in Ukraine would have meant a return to the Cold War between Russia and the USA and a...
Germán Gorraiz López: Will the Ultra-Orthodox Jews Bring Down Netanyahu?
WORLDThe Haredim represent only 14% of Israeli society, but they would be a state within the state that tries to...
En CIA-terrorattack i Moskva och ett krig med Ryssland och Kina?
KRIG & FREDStår världen inför flera konflikter med potentiell användning av kärnvapen, krig som spänner över Europa, Ryssland, USA och Kina? Den...