WAR & PEACEIt is still unclear whether Ukraine will receive the green light to use Western long-range weapons for deep strikes against...
Sökresultat / Resultsdeep strikes
Rysk underrättelsetjänst varnar för ukrainsk falsk-flagg attack – Vill rättfärdiga ”deep strikes” mot Rysland
KRIG & FREDDen ryska underrättelsetjänsten SVR gick den 16 september 2024 ut med varningen att Zelenskyregimen tillsammans med USA planerar att iscensätta...
U.S. and UK Air Strikes in Yemen Spark Global Reaction and Oil Price Surge
WAR & PEACEThe recent air strikes in Yemen by the United States and the United Kingdom, targeting the Houthi rebels, have led...
US, UK, Australia, Canada and Bahrain Strikes Houthi Targets to Uphold Western Rule
WAR & PEACEIn a coordinated effort led by the United States and the United Kingdom, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and...
Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu
VÅRDINDUSTRINThe USA is in an official flu pandemic panic right now, with Boston declaring a public health emergency and hospitals setting up flu treatment tents as...
George Galloway: ”This is an era when the empire strikes back”
VÄRLDENGeorge Galloway (1954-) är en brittisk politiker född i Skottland som även är ledamot av parlamentets underhus. I detta tal...
An updated estimation of civil casualties killed by drone strikes – An injury-epidemiology & human rights report
KRIG & FREDThe International Committee of the Red Cross establishes clearly in Rule 7 of “Customary International Humanitarian Law”: [1] “The parties of...
NASA Declares End to Deep Impact Comet Mission
VETENSKAPNASA officials declared the Deep Impact mission lost on Friday Sp 20, 2013, after a computer glitch doomed the comet-smashing...
Se upp för deep fakes från personer och organisationer som vill lura dig
MEDIAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLoI9hAX9dw DEEP FAKES. Den oberoende journalisten Sharyl Attkisson intervjuar Siwei Lyu som specialiserat sig på att identifiera deep fakes-videos som...
Book review of ”Deep Undercover” by Jack Barsky former KGB spy
WAR & PEACEDeep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America is the autobiography of "Jack Barsky,"...