MEDICAL INDUSTRY & VACCINESIn this interview, filmmaker-turned-author Mikki Willis discusses his two-part film “Plandemic,” which went viral despite being universally censored last year....
Sökresultat / ResultsDirty Wars
Dannion Brinkleys prognoser om viruschip, svält, migration och kommunism
KULTURKULTUR. I denna intervju från 2021 berättar Dannion Brinkley om sin nära döden-upplevelse från 1975 som låg bakom boken Saved...
Kina i Afrika: Vad är skuldfälla-2.0-narrativet och varför är Zambia slagfältet?
AFRIKAEfter publiceringen av min artikel "Slutet på Fukuyama och Skuld-fälla 2.0" frågade många läsare om ytterligare förklaring av skillnaden mellan...
Sex västliga medieföretag styr nästan alla nyheter – Ryssland kontrar med och Sputnik News
MEDIADEBATT. För 30 år sedan var medieutbudet brett och varierat, men år 2014 har det krympt väsentligt. Idag styr endast...
U.S. Congressman on UAP:s: ”I probably needed to get bodies around me pretty soon after making those statements”
SPACE"Yes, these things are real. They're not all-weather balloons. They're not experimental aircraft from this or any other country. Whatever...
John Pilger: Inside the Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, Clinton and Trump
WAR & PEACEThe American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda. The nephew of Sigmund Freud,...
Meritocracy China – You Can Only Become a Top Politician if You Have Skills and Deep Knowledge
WORLDKarl Wang is a Swede who has lived in China for several decades. He describes how he sees the meritocracy...
Glenn Diesen: The NATO Cartel Uses Ukraine to Confront Russia – There is no other way to put it
WAR & PEACEGlenn Diesen, a professor at the University of Southeastern Norway who specializes in Russian foreign policy, challenges the dominant narrative...
Professor Ferrada-Noli: Historical Meaning of WikiLeaks, and Swedish Myths on Julian Assange
NEWSMILL: ARKIV 2008-2013In discussing “Julian Assange”, the main stream media - particularly in Sweden - have seemingly neglected informing the public concerning...
According to the UN International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, Assange’s detention should be ended
WORLDA view of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) is that the case versus Mr Assange in Sweden has conveyed...