NEWSMILL: ARKIV 2008-2013In discussing “Julian Assange”, the main stream media - particularly in Sweden - have seemingly neglected informing the public concerning...
Sökresultat / ResultsDirty Wars
According to the UN International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, Assange’s detention should be ended
WORLDA view of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) is that the case versus Mr Assange in Sweden has conveyed...
Fd regeringsrådgivare granskar ursprunget till massinvandringen till Sverige – utan folkets samtycke
SVERIGE[caption id="attachment_139697" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Hans Jensevik, 2017. Foto: Dagens Goda Samhälle[/caption] OPINION. Tyvärr är det inte många svenskar som riktigt...
Ex Diplomat: What the Covid-19 Agenda is Designed to Achieve
OPINIONNever before in the history of Humanity have entire countries – let alone the whole planet – been paralyzed, causing...
Andre Vltchek: Several reasons why West Papua should get its freedom immediately
KRIG & FRED[caption id="attachment_104236" align="alignnone" width="900"] André Vltchek. Foto: Paul S. Graham[/caption] Andre Vltchek, an investigative journalist, explains that: "Indonesia has proven,...