Avaaz: Bangladesh fashion victim ads and H&M

NewsVoice är en oberoende nättidning med utgivningsbevis som startade 2011. Syftet är att publicera nyheter, debattartiklar, kommentarer och analyser. Stöd vårt arbete genom att donera, sponsra (tex granskningar, utlandsreportage) eller annonsera.
publicerad 10 maj 2013
- NewsVoice redaktion

Our campaign calling for worker safety in Bangladesh has really taken off. In less than 72 hours, more than 800, 000 of us have signed, and companies are feeling the heat!

But there’s one small problem. Sweden’s leading financial newspaper Dagens Industri has just refused to run our full-page ad calling on H&M to sign a strong worker safety pact, on the grounds that they were too personally targeted at CEO Karl-Johan Persson. Here’s the rejected ad.

But if the media won’t run our ad, let’s use social media to ensure he hears our message. Take a minute to share this ad on Facebook, then encourage others across Sweden to do the same.

Here’s the original campaign which has already been signed by over 800,000 of us. Forward it to friends and family if you haven’t already!

Text: Jamie Choi

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Tags: H&M