Editorial office
Torbjorn Sassersson (Sweden) founded NewsVoice in 2011. Sanja R. Juric is interim editor-in-chief. Connected to NewsVoice there is a group of freelance writers. NewsVoice started as a blog but was transformed into a registered net publication launched in April 2011 on the domain NewsVoice.se.
Contact: editor [at] newsvoice.se
Editorial policy
- disseminates news and promotes a free debate,
- mirrors mainstream talking points but also a paradigm shift in the world,
- gives space for alternative viewpoints and clues for interesting reporting,
- is looking for solutions to seemingly eternal problems in current society,
- is not politically correct and therefore hopefully closer to the truth,
- analyzes to build puzzles to gain bird perspectives for the readers and
- makes no big difference between writers and readers. We all are explorers.