Rapport: Hjärncancerfallen ökar i Skandinavien men Sverige underrapporterar och får ”bättre siffror”

publicerad 6 november 2011
- Mona Nilsson

Kommentar: Journalisten Mona Nilsson som har bloggen ”Mobiltelefonins hälsorisker” har misstänkt detta, att det är något fel med hur hjärncancerfallen inrapporteras i Sverige och därför sammantaget inte visar en korrekt statistik.

Jag har själv pratat med en läkarsekreterare på Karolinsk Sjukhuset som noterat att hjärncancern inte rapporteras pga tidsbrist eller liknande anledningar enligt läkarna.

/Torbjörn Sassersson, red

Researchers Report Alarming Rise in Brain Cancer in Scandinavian Countries

2 Nov, 2011 14:52 CET

Environmental Health Trust Reports Continued and Unexplained Increases in Brain Cancer Incidence in Nations With Longer-Term Cell Phone Use.

New cases of brain tumors have continued to rise throughout the past three decades in some Scandinavian countries with longer-term and heavier cell phone use, according to analyses conducted by Environmental Health Trust scientists.

The analyses are based on data provided by the national cancer registries of Finland and Norway to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Death rates have dropped, reflecting improvements in treatment and early detection, but incidence has increased over the past decade for both men and women. In Norway, brain tumor incidence rose in men and women about 1.7 and 2.8 percent each year for the past decade, with women who use cell phones more having higher rates than men. Similar but smaller increases were evident in Norway.

No increases were noted in Sweden, where analysts from the Swedish National Health Board have reported that brain tumors are systematically underreported.

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