Documentary on Human Potentials – Esalen

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 4 december 2011
- Torbjörn Sassersson

Text: Torbjorn Sassersson | Tips from Anna Lena Wisén via Facebook

This documentary produced by Scott Jones and Jeffrey Kripal covers human potentials, properties we all were born with and that can be enhanced. Jones and Kripal believs that in a time of unprecedented political, social and ideological conflict, the world would benefit from a beautiful and sophisticated exposure to the ideas and practices fostered by Esalen, Big Sur, Californa.

”In the early 1960’s two young visionaries, Richard Price and Michael Murphy, founded a place to explore and nurture what Aldous Huxley had named the “human potentialities,” his expression for the fantastic reaches of mind and body hinted at in the altered states of mystical literature, psychical research, and psychedelic experience. They named this new place ”Esalen.” And they sparked an enduring movement that has changed countless lives.”

The film project is so far half way and they now seek additional funding using the social networks on the internet.

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Google map on Esalen location



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