Novel: Rex Pickett. Screenplay: Alexander Payne
Rotten Tomatos
Directed by Alexander Payne, Sideways follows Miles (Paul Giamatti), who is distressed about his lack of success as a novelist, and Jack (Thomas Haden Church), an equally unsuccessful actor with a rapidly approaching wedding. In a last-ditch effort to sow their wild oats, Jack and Miles take off on a final road trip to California’s wine country the week prior to Jack’s wedding. Both men have goals for the vacation — Miles wants to turn Jack on to the art of wine tasting, while Jack is concerned with exploiting his last days as a bachelor — but when the two men come across two fascinating women, the duo is forced to examine their morality, and if maturity isn’t such a depressing prospect — at least, for one of them. ~ Tracie Cooper, Rovi, Rotten Tomatos. Score: 5 out of 5.
LA Times
The movie, my favorite from any American mainstream director so far this year, may be a bit like the vintage pinot noir Miles keeps seeking: It only seems like all the others. Once you find and uncork it, delight is guaranteed. Michael Wilmington LA Times. Score: 4 out of 4.
And what I give the movie? Score: 5 out of 5.
Summary: Torbjörn Sassersson | IMDB
Ok, nu har jag precis sett filmen, likväl undrar jag varför du drar upp bottennapp från förr (2004) för betygssättning nu (2012)? En amerikansk dussinfilm med förvisso aktabla Paul Giamatti, men ”what else is there”? Nu är jag förvisso absolut ej filmanalytiker (!) men filmen är enligt min mening inte värt ett dussin rosor eller för att vara frank, någonting alls i mina ögon… Varför drog du upp den? Mvh/