NaturalNews. Russia may be the current target of the American corporate media for its alleged role in provoking Ukraine to war, but the former Soviet stronghold has become a world leader in protecting its food sovereignty and kicking the multinational bio-pirates to the curb.
Text: Monday, April 21, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer | Photo:, Wikimedia Commons
New reports indicate that Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced the country’s rejection of all imports of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), upholding Russia’s growing stance against the cultivation and sale of GMOs within its borders.
The announcement comes just months after Medvedev ordered the country’s health ministry, agriculture ministry and other relevant agencies to investigate GMO safety and come up with proposals for better protecting the integrity of the country’s food supply. According to, their consensus is that Russia has no need for GMOs and will instead remain committed to traditional agricultural practices that have a proven track record of safety.