James O’Keefe från Project Veritas samtalar med en hemvärnsman som uppger att Covid-19 endast är en influensa och att media kraftigt överdriver allvaret.
Informationen framkom under en Covid-19-test i New Rochelle (USA) arrangerad av The National Guard. En annan hemvärnsman säger dock att Covid-19 inte är en vanlig influensa och att allt handlar om försiktighetsåtgärder.
Källa: Project Veritas
James O’Keefe (8 april 2020):
”I’ve seen a lot of wrongdoing coming from the Mainstream Media, but this is shameful.
CNN recently asked Facebook to delete a Project Veritas video. Facebook deleted it!”
”They hate Project Veritas’ mission so much that they are deleting news content.
Quite frankly, I consider it a badge of honor. I know why they’re doing it: they are mad that Project Veritas exposed them! Project Veritas had Insiders within Facebook and CNN last year.”
James O’Keefe (8 april 2020):
”I’ve seen a lot of wrongdoing coming from the Mainstream Media, but this is shameful.
CNN recently asked Facebook to delete a Project Veritas video. Facebook deleted it!”
”They hate Project Veritas’ mission so much that they are deleting news content.
Quite frankly, I consider it a badge of honor. I know why they’re doing it: they are mad that Project Veritas exposed them! Project Veritas had Insiders within Facebook and CNN last year.”
Bra video i ämnet Spanska Influensan
Och en bra video, intervju med Dr. Aanonus Vonderplanitz om virushoaxen.
Bra video i ämnet Spanska Influensan
Och en bra video, intervju med Dr. Aanonus Vonderplanitz om virushoaxen.