
Trovan, Pfizer

Pfizer: Trovan vaccine victims get compensation for disablements

VÅRDINDUSTRINUS-based big pharma giant Pfizer has made the first compensation payment to Nigerian families affected by the controversial vaccine called Trovan tested in 1996. The federal government and the northern Nigerian state of Kano are suing Pfizer for a combined $8.5 billion in damages.

Ökande autism tyder på miljögifter men injektion av kemikalier (vaccin) diskuteras ej

VÅRDINDUSTRINScientific American publicerade 2009 en vetenskaplig rapport från det kaliforniska MIND-institutet som misstänkliggör miljöfaktorer såsom bekämpningsmedel, mjukgörare i plast, kemikalier i hushållen samt andra gifter vi får i oss som orsaken till den dramatiska ökningen av autism i USA. Frågan om skador från vaccin undviks som vanligt.

Vaccin, barnvaccin - Foto: InfoWars

Ny studie – Mjukdödar vaccin våra barn?

VÅRDINDUSTRINStudien, betitlad Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?, publicerades i den ansedda Human

Mike Adams, 2019. Photo: Mike Adams, Natural News

Natural News – Why do we vaccinate our cats and dogs?

BIG PHARMAIn the history of human vaccines, the numbers clearly show that in every case, the disease itself was already on the decline when the vaccine was introduced. Most vaccines were scarcely a blip on the radar, not affecting the natural decline of the disease at all. In a few unfortunate cases such as polio, the disease actually increased after vaccinations began.