Luke Rudkowski från organisationen We Are Change tar upp en underrapporterad nyhet om en amerikansk journalist Serena Shim som dödades i Turkiet 2014. Hon sa att ISIS får hjälp av den turkiska regimen. Rudkowski vill inte att historien runt Serena Shim ska glömmas bort.
”Shim’s death came just days after she spoke on camera of her fears of being arrested, claiming Turkish intelligence agents had accused her of spying after one of her reports suggested ISIS militants were being smuggled back and forth over the Syrian border in the back of aid vehicles”. / Daily Mail
Text: NewsVoice
The Guardian: Iranian broadcaster raises suspicions about death of reporter on Syrian border
RT: ‘No support, condolences from US’: Killed Press TV reporter’s sister raises questions about death
Facebook: Serenea Shim blackout