Osher Centrum – Endast 3 av 71 studier har gjorts på alternativmedicin

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publicerad 1 november 2011
- NewsVoice redaktion

Kritik har framförts av den alternativmedicinska världen mot hur Osher Centrum hanterar donationen. Man anser att pengarna som skulle användas för att utvärdera de bästa alternativmetoderna och sedan inlemma dessa i den vanliga vården istället finansierat Martin Ingvars hjärnforskning och annan kollegial forskning. Föreningen SARA gav år 2010 Osher Centrum fulpriset Årets folkvätte år 2010 av den anledningen.

Text: Torbjörn Sassersson | 1 nov 2011| uppdaterad kl 20:50

Följande sammanställning visar att endast 3 st av totalt 71 studier åren 2006-2011 har med komplementär eller alternativmedicin att göra. Resten handlar om studier på: mentala sjukdomar, psykologi, fibromyalgi, cancer, smärta, sömnproblem, placebo och nocebo.

En av  dessa tre studier är från 2011 och handlar om akupunktur, fuskakupunktur och behandling av uppkastningar efter strålbehandling (Getting the grip on nonspecific treatment effects. Treatment with Acupuncture or Sham Acupuncture [fusk-akupunktur] compared to Standard Care for Radiotherapy-induced Emesis [uppkastningar]).

En andra studie från 2009 handlar om akupressur och smärta (Acupressure to reduce labour pain. A randomized controlled trial).

En tredje studie från 2007 handlar om ”intervention research” (Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). A Systematic Review of Intervention Research in Sweden).

71 av 71 studier borde handla om alternativa behandlingsformer

Varför handlar inta alla 71 studier om: akupunktur, akupressur, homeopati, traditionell kinesisk medicin, ayurveda, rolfing, naprapati, örtmedicin, healing, kroppens och psykets självläkande förmåga,  rosenterapi, ljusterapi, ljudterapi (t ex hemisync) och energimedicin etcetera?

Svaret finns delvis i en artikel i Svenska Dagbladet från den 22 oktober 2008.

Martin Ingvar säger där: ”vi måste jobba med människor som har samma vetenskapliga grundsyn”. I artikeln framgår att Martin Ingvar och hans kollega Mats Lekander redan har förutfattade meningar om vad som fungerar och inte. Den vetenskapliga grundsyn som nämns handlar om den materialistiska/naturvetenskapliga och därtill den som idag redan är etablerad. Det utesluter på ruta ett flera läkekonster, till exempel  healing och homeopati, som sannolikt har en naturvetenskaplig grund men som idag ännu inte kan förklaras av den etablerade materialistiska vetenskapen.

Ska forskning genomföras på komplementär och alternativmedicin måste ansvariga ha en självsäkerhet gentemot etablissemanget och ett vetenskapligt tålamod så att inte  forskningsinsasterna blir tendentiösa och självuppfyllande. Radarparet Ingvar-Lekander saknar tydligen rätt karaktär.  

Osher Centrums publikationer åren 2006-2011

Följande tabell visar hur de 71 studierna ungefärligen kan kategoriseras. Vissa rapporter kan placeras i flera kategorier, men i denna sammanställning har varje studie placerats i endast en kategori. Syftet är inte att redovisa en exakt klassificering av studierna utan att påvisa hur tendentiös forskningsinsatsen åren 2006-2011 är som helhet.

Källa till sammanställning: Publikationer från Osher centrum för integrativ medicin


Golkar A, Lonsdorf TB, Olsson A, Lindström K, Fransson P, Schalling M, Ingvar M, Öhman A.
Distinct contributions of the dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex during emotion regulation
In revision

Gospic, K., Mohlin, E., Fransson P., Petrovic, P., Johannesson, M., Ingvar M.
Limbic justice  separation of the instant automatic response from the aware sense of unfairness
PLoS Biol. 2011 May;9(5):e1001054
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Lindstedt F, Berrebi J, Greayer E, Lonsdorf T B, Schalling M, Ingvar M, Kosek E.
Conditioned pain modulation is associated with common polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene
PLoS One. 2011 Mar 28;6(3):e18252
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Enblom A, Lekander M, Hammar M, Johnsson A, Onelöv E, Ingvar M, Steineck G & Sussanne Börjeson
Getting the grip on nonspecific treatment effects. Treatment with Acupuncture or Sham Acupuncture compared to Standard Care for Radiotherapy-induced Emesis
PLoS One. 2011 Mar 23;6(3):e14766
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Lekander M, von Essen J, Schultzberg M, Nixon Andreasson A, Garlind, A, Hansson, L-O & Nilsson L-G
Cytokines and cognition across the adult life span in women
Scand J Psychol. 2011 Jun;52(3):229-35
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Lekander M, Nilsonne G & Ingvar, M
Affective regulation and the neuroscience of emotion: A festschrift in honor of Arne Öhman

Ahrén-Moonga J, Lekander M, von Blixen N, Rönnelid J, Holmgren S, af Klinteberg B.
Levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in severely ill patients with eating disorders
Neuropsychobiology. 2011;63(1):8-14
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Olofsson JK, Gospic K, Petrovic P, Ingvar M, Wiens S.
Effects of oxazepam on affective perception, recognition, and event-related potentials
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011 Jan 4
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Lonsdorf TB, Golkar A, Lindstöm KM, Fransson P, Schalling M, Ohman A, Ingvar M.
5-HTTLPR and COMTval158met genotype gate amygdala reactivity and habituation
Biol Psychol. 2011 Feb 26
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Lindstedt F, Lonsdorf TB, Schalling M, Kosek E, Ingvar M.
Perception of thermal pain and the thermal grill illusion is associated with polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene
PLoS One. 2011 Mar 15;6(3):e17752
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Andreasson A, Jernelöv S, Robert Szulkin, Undén AL, Brismar K, Lekander M
Associations between leptin and subjective health in men and women
Gender Medicine Jun;7(3):261-9

Axelsson J, Sundelin T, Ingre M, Van Someren E J W, Olsson A, Lekander M
Beauty sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep deprived people
BMJ online 15 December 2010
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Lekander M, von Essen J, Schultzberg M, Nixon Andreasson A, Garlind, A, Hansson, L-O & Nilsson L-G.
Cytokines and cognition across the adult life span in women
Journal of Psychology (accepted)

Fondell E, Lagerros YT, Sundberg CJ, Lekander M, Bälter O, Rothman KJ, Bälter K.
Physical activity, Stress, and Self-Reported Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010 Jun 23
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Ahrén-Moonga J, Lekander M, von Blixen N, Rönnelid J, Holmgren M & Af Klinteberg B.
Levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in severely ill patients with eating disorders
Neuropsychobiology (accepted)

Andreasson A, Jernelöv S, Robert Szulkin, Undén AL, Brismar K, Lekander M.
Associations between Leptin and Subjective Health in Men and Women
Gender Medicine (in press)

Wicksell RK, Lekander M, Sorjonen K, Olsson GL.
The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) – Statistical properties and model fit of an instrument to assess change processes in pain related disability
Eur J Pain. 2010 Jan 2
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Henje Blom E, Olsson EM, Serlachius E, Ericson M, Ingvar M
Heart rate variability (HRV) in adolescent females with anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder
Acta Paediatr. 2010 Jan 28
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A Hjelmstedt, ST Shenoy, E Stener-Victorin, M Lekander, M Bhat, KB Leena, U Waldenström
Acupressure to reduce labour pain. A randomized controlled trial.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (accepted pending revision)

Maurex L, Lekander M, Nilsonne A, Andersson EE, Asberg M, Ohman A.
Social problem solving, autobiographical memory, trauma, and depression in women with borderline personality disorder and a history of suicide attempts
Br J Clin Psychol. 2009 Jun 24
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Wicksell RK, Melin L, Lekander M, Olsson GL.
Evaluating the effectiveness of exposure and acceptance strategies to improve functioning and quality of life in longstanding pediatric pain–a randomized controlled trial
Pain. 2009 Feb;141(3):248-57
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Lekander M, Axén J, Knutsson U, Olgart Hoglund C, Werner S, Wikstrom AC, Stierna P.
Cytokine inhibition after glucocorticoid exposure in healthy men with low versus high basal cortisol levels
Neuroimmunomodulation. 2009;16(4):245-50
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Akerstedt T, Kecklund G, Ingre M, Lekander M, Axelsson J.
Sleep homeostasis during repeated sleep restriction and recovery: support from EEG dynamics
Sleep. 2009 Feb 1;32(2):217-22
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Asberg M, Nygren A, Leopardi R, Rylander G, Peterson U, Wilczek L, Källmén H, Ekstedt M, Akerstedt T, Lekander M, Ekman R.
Novel biochemical markers of psychosocial stress in women
PLoS One. 2009;4(1):e3590
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Jernelöv S, Olgart Höglund C, Axelsson J, Axén J, Grönneberg R, Grunewald J, Stierna P, Lekander M.
Effects of Examination Stress on Psychological Responses, Sleep and Allergic Symptoms in Atopic and Non-Atopic Students
Int J Behav Med. 2009 Dec;16(4):305-310
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Mozaffari F, Lindemalm C, Choudhury A, Granstam-Björneklett H, Lekander M, Nilsson B, Ojutkangas ML, Osterborg A, Bergkvist L, Mellstedt H.
Systemic immune effects of adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide and/or radiotherapy in breast cancer: a longitudinal study.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2009 Jan;58(1):111-20
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Henje Blom E, Larsson JO, Serlachius E, Ingvar M.
The differentiation between depressive and anxious adolescent females and controls by behavioural self-rating scales.
J Affect Disord. 2009 Aug 18
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Henje Blom E, Olsson EM, Serlachius E, Ericson M, Ingvar M.
Heart rate variability is related to self-reported physical activity in a healthy adolescent population.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2009 Aug;106(6):877-83
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Kosek E, Jensen KB, Lonsdorf TB, Schalling M, Ingvar M.
Genetic variation in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR, rs25531) influences the analgesic response to the short acting opioid Remifentanil in humans.
Mol Pain. 2009 Jul 1;5:37
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Jensen K., Kosek E., Petzke F., Carville S., Fransson P., Marcus H., Williams S.C.R., Choy E., Giesecke T., Mainguy Y., Gracely R., Ingvar M.
Evidence of dysfunctional pain inhibition in Fibromyalgia reflected in rACC during provoked pain
Pain. 2009 Jul;144(1-2):95-100.
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Jensen KB, Lonsdorf TB, Schalling M, Kosek E, Ingvar M.
Increased sensitivity to thermal pain following a single opiate dose is influenced by the COMT val(158)met polymorphism.
PLoS One. 2009 Jun 23;4(6):e6016
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Kristina Orth-Gomér, MD, PhD; Neil Schneiderman, PhD; Hui-Xin Wang, PhD; Christina Walldin, RN; May Blom, RN, PhD; Tomas Jernberg, MD, PhD, FACC
Stress Reduction Prolongs Life in Women With Coronary Disease
(Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2009;2:25-32.)

Larsson A. Åkerstedt T, Hansson LO & Axelsson J
Circadian variability of cystatin C, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in healthy men during normal sleep and after an acute shift of sleep.
Chronobiol Int. Nov;25(6):1047-61.
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Wicksell RK, Lekander M, Melin, L & Olsson, GL.
Evaluating the effectiveness of exposure and acceptance strategies to improve functioning and quality of life in longstanding pediatric pain – A randomized controlled trial.
Pain (accepted)
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Axelsson J, Kecklund G, Åkerstedt T, Donofrio P, Lekander M & Ingre M
Sleepiness and performance in response to repeated sleep restriction and subsequent recovery during semi-laboratory conditions
Chronobiology International, 25(2&3):297¬308
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Mozaffari F, Lindemalm C, Choudhury A, Granstam-Björneklett H, Lekander, M, Ojutkangas M-J, Nilsson B, Bergkvist L, Österborg A & Mellstedt M.
Systemic immune effects of adjuvant chemotherapy with 5- fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide and/or radiotherapy in breast cancer: A longitudinal study.
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy (accepted).

Jernelöv S, Olgart Höglund C, Axelsson J, Axén J, Stierna P, Lekander, M.
Effects of examination stress on psychological responses, sleep and allergic symptoms in atopic and non-atopic students.
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (accepted).
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Åsberg, M., Nygren, Å., Leopardi, R., Rylander, G., Peterson, U., Wilczek, L., Källmén, H., Ekstedt, M., Åkerstedt, T., Lekander, M., Trimble, E., Skafte, H., Lamont, J., FitzGerald, P., & Ekman, R.
Novel biochemical markers of psychosocial stress in women.
PloS One (accepted).
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Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Göran Kecklund, Michael Ingre, Mats Lekander, John Axelsson
Sleep homeostasis during repeated sleep restriction and recovery: support from EEG dynamics
Sleep (accepted).
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Lekander M. Axén J, Knutsson U, Olgart-Höglund C, Werner S, WIkström A-C & Stierna, P.
Cytokine inhibition after glucocorticoid exposure in healthy men with low vs. high basal cortisol levels
Neuroimmunomodulation (accepted).

Lindemalm, C, Mozzaffari, F, Granstam-Björneklett, H, Lekander, M, Nilsson, B, Ojutkangaas, M-L, Bergkvist, L, & Mellstedt H (2008).
Immune response, depression and fatigue in relation to support group intervention in mammary cancer patients
Support Care Cancer. Jan;16(1):57-65
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Forkstam C, Elwer A, Ingvar M, Petersson KM
Instruction effects in implicit artificial grammar learning: a preference for grammaticality
Brain research 1221:80-92.2008
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Gospic K, Gunnarsson T, Fransson P, Ingvar M, Lindefors N, Petrovic P
Emotional perception modulated by an opioid and a cholecystokinin agonist
Psychopharmacology 197:295-307.2008
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Udden J, Folia V, Forkstam C, Ingvar M, Fernandez G, Overeem S, van Elswijk G, Hagoort P, Petersson KM
The inferior frontal cortex in artificial syntax processing: an rTMS study
Brain research 1224:69-78.2008
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Nisell R, Kosek E
Fibromyalgia internationally accepted concept. Pharmacological treatment now possible
Lakartidningen 105:2328-2332.2008
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Carville SF, Arendt-Nielsen S, Bliddal H, Blotman F, Branco JC, Buskila D, Da Silva JA, Danneskiold-Samsoe B, Dincer F, Henriksson C, Henriksson KG, Kosek E, Longley K, McCarthy GM, Perrot S, Puszczewicz M, Sarzi-Puttini P, Silman A, Spath M, Choy EH
EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 67:536-541.2008
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Kosek E, Januszewska A
Mechanisms of pain referral in patients with whiplash-associated disorder
Eur J Pain. 2008 Jul;12(5):650-60
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Unden AL, Andreasson A, Elofsson S, Brismar K, Mathsson L, Ronnelid J, Lekander M (2007).
Inflammatory cytokines, behaviour and age as determinants of self-rated health in women.
Clin Sci (Lond).Jun;112(6):363-73.
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Knut Sturidsson, Inger Turtell, Anders Tengström, Mats Lekander and Maria Levander.
Time use in forensic psychiatry an exploratory study of patients time use at a Swedish forensic psychiatric clinic
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, Vol. 6, No. 1, pages 79-86. 2007

Mozaffari F, Lindemalm C, Choudhury A, Granstam-Björneklett H, Helander I, Lekander, M, Mikaelsson E, Nilsson B, Ojutkangas M-J, Österborg A, Bergkvist L, Mellstedt M.
NK-cell and T-cell functions in patients with breast cancer: effects of surgery and adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy.
Br J Cancer. 2007 Jul 2;97(1):105-11. Epub 2007 Jun 5.
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Fang Fang, Weimin Ye1, Katja Fall, Mats Lekander, Hans Wigzell, Pär Sparén, Hans-Olov Adami, Unnur Valdimarsdóttir
Severe Emotional Stress and the Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
American Journal of Epidemiolory, accepted

Andreasson A, Arborelius L, Erlanson-Albertsson C, Lekander M.
A putative role for cytokines in the impaired appetite in depression
Brain Behav Immun. 2007;21(2):147-152.
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Jensen I, Lekander M, Rane A and Nord C-E (2007).
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). A Systematic Review of Intervention Research in Sweden.
Report to Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) and the Swedish Government.

Rudner, M., Fransson, P., Ingvar, M., Nyberg, L. and Ronnberg, J., 2007
Neural representation of binding lexical signs and words in the episodic buffer of working memory.
Neuropsychologia. 45, 2258-2276

Ohman, A., Carlsson, K., Lundqvist, D. and Ingvar, M., 2007
On the unconscious subcortical origin of human fear
Physiol Behav. 2007 Sep 10;92(1-2):180-5.
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Marklund, P., Fransson, P., Cabeza, R., Larsson, A., Ingvar, M. and Nyberg, L., 2007
Unity and diversity of tonic and phasic executive control components in episodic and working memory
Neuroimage. 36, 1361-1373
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Gisselgard, J., Udden, J., Ingvar, M. and Petersson, K. M., 2007
Disruption of order information by irrelevant items: a serial recognition paradigm
Acta Psychol (Amst). 124, 356-369.
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Fang F, Ye W, Fall K, Lekander M, Wigzell H, Sparén P, Adami H, Valdimarsdóttir U.
Loss of Child and the Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
American Journal of Epidemiology 2007;Oct 17.
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Petersson KM, Silva C, Castro-Caldas A, Ingvar M, Reis A
Literacy: a cultural influence on functional left-right differences in the inferior parietal cortex.
The European journal of neuroscience 26:791-799.2007
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Tucker AT, White PD, Kosek E, Pearson RM, Henderson M, Coldrick AR, Cooke ED, Kidd BL
Comparison of vibration perception thresholds in individuals with diffuse upper limb pain and carpal tunnel syndrome
Pain 127:263-269.2007
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Kadetoff D, Kosek E
The effects of static muscular contraction on blood pressure, heart rate, pain ratings and pressure pain thresholds in healthy individuals and patients with fibromyalgia
Eur J Pain. 2007 Jan;11(1):39-47
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Reis A, Faisca L, Mendonca S, Ingvar M, Petersson KM
Semantic interference on a phonological task in illiterate subjects
Scand J Psychol. 2007 Feb;48(1):69-74
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Olgart Höglund, C., Axén, J., Jernelöv, S., Müller-Suur, C., Smith, Y., Kemi, C., Grönneberg, R., Stierna, P., Eklund, A., Grünewald, J., & Lekander, M. (2006).
Changes in immune homeostasis in response to examination stress in atopic and healthy individuals.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy 36(8), 982-992.

Petersson, K. M., Gisselgard, J., Gretzer, M. and Ingvar, M., 2006
Interaction between a verbal working memory network and the medial temporal lobe.
Neuroimage. 33, 1207-1217
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Persson, J., Nyberg, L., Lind, J., Larsson, A., Nilsson, L. G., Ingvar, M. and Buckner, R. L., 2006.
Structure-function correlates of cognitive decline in aging.
Cereb Cortex. 16, 907-915.
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Lind, J., Ingvar, M., Persson, J., Sleegers, K., Van Broeckhoven, C., Adolfsson, R., Nilsson, L. G. and Nyberg, L., 2006.
Parietal cortex activation predicts memory decline in apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 carriers.
Neuroreport. 17, 1683-1686.
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Emdad, R., Bonekamp, D., Sondergaard, H. P., Bjorklund, T., Agartz, I., Ingvar, M. and Theorell, T., 2006.
Morphometric and psychometric comparisons between non-substance-abusing patients with posttraumatic stress disorder and normal controls.
Psychother Psychosom. 75, 122-132.
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Carlsson, K., Andersson, J., Petrovic, P., Petersson, K. M., Ohman, A. and Ingvar, M., 2006.
Predictability modulates the affective and sensory-discriminative neural processing of pain.
Neuroimage. 32, 1804-1814.
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Rydmark I, Wahlberg K, Ghatan PH, Modell S, Nygren A, Ingvar M, Asberg M, Heilig M
Neuroendocrine, cognitive and structural imaging characteristics of women on longterm sickleave with job stress-induced depression.
Biological psychiatry 60:867-873.2006
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Elvin A, Siosteen AK, Nilsson A, Kosek E
Decreased muscle blood flow in fibromyalgia patients during standardised muscle exercise: a contrast media enhanced colour Doppler study
Eur J Pain. 2006 Feb;10(2):137-44
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Kosek E
Chapter 51 fibromyalgia
Handbook of clinical neurology / edited by PJ Vinken and GW 81:763-777.2006
Reis A, Faisca L, Ingvar M, Petersson KM
Color makes a difference: two-dimensional object naming in literate and illiterate subjects
Brain Cogn. 2006 Feb;60(1):49-54
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