I ett MSNBC-reportage redovisas hur FBI under ledning av J. Edgar Hoover gick mycket långt för att försöka förmå Marthin Luther King att kliva av sitt rättvisearbete för den svarta befolkningen i USA. Att Hoover bokstavligen hatade King är sedan länge känt, men ett brev som varit delvis hemligstämplat har efter 40 år hittats i original i ett arkiv och när svartmarkeringarna inte finns på plats uppenbaras den aggressiva frenesi som FBI uttryckte mot King, avslöjar Beverly Gage vid New York Times.
Text: Torbjörn Sassersson, uppd. kl 16:30, 12 nov 2014 | Källa: ”What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals” NYT | FBI letter to Martin Luther King – Original document
Brevet från 1964 gör gällande att FBI i princip uppmanar Martin Luther King att begå självmord. Nyheten från igår om det hemligstämplade brevet är en toppnyhet i USA, men har ännu inte plockats upp av svenska medier. Avslöjandet innebär att FBI blir högst misstänkt för mordet på Martin Luther King. Det var för övrigt FBI som hade ansvaret för utredningen av mordet.
”The Federal Bureau of Investigation took responsibility for investigating King’s death. J. Edgar Hoover, who had previously made efforts to undermine King’s reputation, told Johnson that his agency would attempt to find the culprit(s).
Many documents pertaining to this investigation remain classified, and are slated to remain secret until 2027. A proposed Records Collection Act, similar to a 1992 law concerning the Kennedy assassination, would require their immediate release.” – Wikipedia
Advokaten till Martin Luther Kings familj presenterade bevis för att bla FBI var inblandat på mordet 1968 på King, men en ”district attorney” hävdade (enligt traditionell skeptikerargumentation) att bevisen var bristfälliga och inte tog hänsyn till ”motbevis” (contradictory evidence), enligt bla Wikipedia:
”Attorney William F. Pepper, representing the King family, presented evidence from seventy witnesses and 4,000 pages of transcripts. Pepper alleges in his book ”An Act of State” that the evidence implicated the FBI, the CIA, the US Army, the Memphis Police Department and organized crime in murder of Dr. King. Local assistant district attorney John Campell, who was not involved in the case, commented that the case was flawed and ”overlooked so much contradictory evidence that never was presented.”
Text: Torbjörn Sassersson
- New York Times (1997): ”Dr. King’s Son Says Family Believes Ray [James Earl Ray] Is Innocent”
- CTKA: ”Martin Luther King’s Son Says: James Earl Ray Didn’t Kill MLK!”
CNN July 11, 1997
Web posted at: 11:47 a.m. EDT (1547 GMT)
MEMPHIS, Tennessee (CNN) — Markings on some of the test bullets fired
from the rifle believed used in the killing of Martin Luther King Jr.
do not match the markings on the bullet that killed King, according to
an affidavit filed by confessed killer James Earl Ray’s attorneys.
The results of bullet tests, conducted in May, were read in court by
Judge Joseph Brown .
Lawyers for Ray, who sought the tests in a bid to prove his innocence,
are asking Brown to approve additional tests on Ray’s .30-06 hunting
rifle .
”A comparison was conducted of the bullet material removed from Dr.
King with the 12 test bullets that could be adequately analyzed,”
Brown said, reading from a report on the test firings.
”This comparison revealed that the gross and unique characteristic
signature left on the 12 test bullets by the James Earl Ray rifle was
not present on the death bullet.”
- CNN (1998): ”James Earl Ray, convicted King assassin, dies”
- Huffington Post (2008): ”Was James Earl Ray Martin Luther King’s Killer? Doubts Remain”