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France24: ”Polls open in Greece as country decides financial future”

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publicerad 5 juli 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

”Greek voters headed to the polls on Sunday to vote in a historic, tightly fought referendum on whether to accept worsening austerity in exchange for more bailout funds, in a gamble that could see it crash out of the euro.”, France24 writes.

”Greece’s youthful Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, a radical leftist who came to power six months ago, has staked his political career on the plebiscite.”

”He announced it a week ago in a bid to break a five-month impasse with international creditors, insisting a ’No’ vote would force a restructuring of Greece’s massive debt and a softening of drastic austerity conditions.”

”But many who first backed him have swung to the ’Yes’ camp, heeding warnings from EU leaders, notably European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, that a ’No’ result could see Greece expelled from the 19-nation eurozone — a so-called Grexit”.

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