IMF humiliated by Greece disobedicence

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publicerad 1 juli 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

INDEPENDENT. ”IMF was pushed around by Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy – and now it is being humiliated. It has been one of the biggest economic policy disasters since the Second World War”, The Independent writes.

”How did it come to this? How did Greece end up joining Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe on a list of countries officially in “arrears” to the International Monetary Fund?”

”It will be a humiliating day for Greece to find itself numbered among such failed states which have, in effect, stiffed the other governments of the world. But make no mistake: this is also a humiliating day for the IMF itself.”

Read more | Image: Christine Lagarde – IMF – Photo (pixelated to protect copyright): The Independent 

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