The Smartest Way to Take a Vacation – Wall Street Journal

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publicerad 20 juli 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

Smart-vacation-Wall-Street-Journal-2015Scientists study how to get the most benefits in health and well-being from a getaway. Psychologists and researchers have been studying how to create an ideal vacation that boosts our well-being, relieves stress that can impact our health, and helps us recharge for returning to work, writes Wall Street Journal.


  • Longer vacations aren’t necessarily better than shorter ones.
  • Engage in activities you haven’t done before, even if you’re at home on a staycation.
  • And end a trip on a high note.
  • Anticipating what you will be doing can bring greater emotional rewards than remembering a trip after you return, research shows.
  • Take shorter, more frequent vacations, rather than just one long trip over the summer.
  • Measures of health and wellness improved during vacation compared with baseline, peaking at the eighth day before gradually declining.

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