Argentina – Avancerat spionprogram i PDF användes för att övervaka Nisman

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publicerad 23 augusti 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion
Alberto Nisman Interview 2013 by INFOBAE

Alberto NismanThe Intercept skriver att avancerad spionprogramvara användes för att övervaka åklagaren Alberto Nisman dagarna innan han hittades död. Nisman granskade ett bombattentat i Buenos Aires, med misstänkt regiminblandning. Spionprogrammet dolde sig i ett PDF-dokument.

Text: NewsVoice

”An investigation by The Intercept indicates that this targeting was likely not an isolated event. The person or persons behind the attempted monitoring appear to have run other surveillance operations involving various locations throughout South America, at least one apparently targeting a rabble-rousing Argentine journalist. In the process, they created at least four distinct spyware bundles, all communicating with the same server set to receive Nisman’s data.”

Nisman skaffade sig mäktiga fiender när han anklagade bla Hezbollah, Irans president och Argentinas president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner för inblandning i attentatet.

The Intercept beskriver hur Nismans Windows-dator blev infekterad.

”The file “estrictamente secreto y confidencial.pdf.jar” would, under the default settings in Microsoft Windows, show up without the file extension, displaying it to an unsuspecting user as “estrictamente secreto y confidencial.pdf” in an attempt to fool the user into believing that the spyware was simply a document in the common PDF format.”

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