WikiLeaks erbjuder 50 000 dollar till den insider som kan förmedla cockpit-video från Kunduz-massakern

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publicerad 9 oktober 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion
AC130 Hercules gunner e1444423285860

Aktivistgruppen för transparens – WikiLeaks – erbjuder 50 000 USD till den insider eller visslare som kan leverera cockpit-video/audio och annan dokumentation från det amerikanska AC 130-plan som bombade Läkare utan gränsers klinik i Kunduz, Afghanistan, den 3 oktober 2015.

Text: NewsVoice | Bild visar skytten i en AC-130 Hercules

WikiLeaks skriver:

”On Saturday 3 October 2015 the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan was repeatedly bombed by a US AC-130 gunship. 22 MSF staff and patients were killed and the hospital destroyed. The hospital was not near other buildings and its GPS co-ordinates had been registered with US forces.”

”MSF believes that the killings amount to a war crime. The AC-130 records its attacks with high resolution gun cameras. ”

”We are raising a US$50, 000 bounty to obtain the footage, the cockpit audio, the inquiry report and other relevant materials such as the Rules of Engagement active at the time. The Kunduz case is similar to a previous WikiLeaks case, Collateral Murder.”


MSF calls for State activation of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to investigate Afghanistan bombing.

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Tags: Kunduz
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