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”What Becomes of the Broken Hearted” – Boyzone

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 27 januari 2016
- Torbjörn Sassersson
Boyzone What Becomes of the Broken Hearted

Boyzones cover av låten ”What Becomes of the Broken Hearted” som ursprungligen spelades in av Jimmy Ruffin 1967.

”What Becomes of the Brokenhearted” is a hit single recorded by Jimmy Ruffin and released on Motown Records’ Soul label in the summer of 1966. It is a ballad, with lead singer Jimmy Ruffin recalling the pain that befalls the brokenhearted, who had love that’s now departed. The song essentially deals with the struggle to overcome sadness while seeking a new relationship after the passing of a loved one.” Wikipedia

Gruppens hemsida: Boyzonenetwork.com

Originalet med Jimmy Ruffin


As I walk this land of broken dreams,
I have visions of many things.
But happiness is just an illusion,
Filled with sadness and confusion.
What becomes of the broken hearted
Who had love that’s now departed?
I know I’ve got to find
Some kind of peace of mind
The roots of love grow all around
But for me they come a tumblin’ down.
Every day heartaches grow a little stronger,
I can’t stand this pain much longer!
I walk in shadows,
Searching for light.
Cold and alone,
No comfort in sight.
Hoping and praying for someone who care,
Always moving and goin’ nowhere.
What becomes of the broken hearted
Who had love that’s now departed?
I know I’ve got to find,
Some kind of peace of mind.
Help me..
I’m searching though I don’t succeed,
For someone’s love, there’s a growing need.
All is lost, there’s no place for beginning,
All that’s left is an unhappy ending.
Now what becomes of the broken-hearted
Who had love that’s now departed?
I know I’ve got to find,
Some kind of peace of mind,
I’ll be searching everywhere,
Just to find someone to care.
I’ll be looking everyday,
I know I’m gonna find a way.
Nothings gonna stop me now,
I’ll find a way somehow.
I’ll be searching everywhere…

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