Trump oroar Deep State i USA enligt Kevin Shipp fd CIA-officer

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publicerad 19 januari 2018
- NewsVoice redaktion
Kevin Shipp - Foto: Hagmann Report

Den tidigare CIA-officeren Kevin Shipp säger att de kontinuerliga attackerna mot Donald Trump kommer från Deep State, men att Trump har förmågan att slå tillbaka. Maktspelet pågår mellan Trump-administrationen och ett Deep State flankat av mainstream media, enligt Shipp.

I denna intervju av Greg Hunter får Kevin Shipp, som skrev boken “From the Company of Shadows”, utrymme att förmedla sin syn på vad som pågår bakom ridåerna vilket också kan bättre förklara vad som sker på den offentliga scenen.

Några citat av Kevin Shipp från intervjun:

“They are terrified, they are terrified right now. They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now. The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening.”

”Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government. He’s rocking that place left and right. The news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.”

“Trump is making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance. They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that.”

Kevin Shipp (1956-) är en medaljerad CIA-officer som berättar om hur grov kriminalitet inom den djupa amerikanska staten ”Deep State” styr alla skeenden av betydelse i USA:s inrikes- likväl som utrikespolitik. Shipp arbetade på CIA med att förhöra personer, kontraspionage och som intern utredare.

Text: NewsVoice

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NewsVoice: CIA-insider Kevin Shipp förklarar hur ”Deep State” fungerar

Kevin Shipp - Foto: Hagmann Report
Kevin Shipp – Foto: Hagmann Report

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