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Swedish physicians for Covid Facts – Press conference June 2021

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publicerad 24 juni 2021
- NewsVoice redaktion
Glenn Dormer and Hanna Asberg. Photo: NewsVoice.se, Sweden

COVID FACTS. Two Swedish licensed physicians behind the initiative Cure Sweden held a press conference near the public health agency in Stockholm. The initiative can be compared to America’s Frontline Doctors. The aim is to provoke a debate about a number of unscientific aspects of dealing with the Covid-19 crisis in Sweden and the world. The doctors are Hanna Asberg and Glenn Dormer, Stockholm.

Text by NewsVoice | You can also view this video on Rumble

The two physicians say it’s time to go get the facts straight about Covid-19 and it’s time to question and debate the covid restrictions applied in the world. Hanna Asberg claims there is a systemic problem within health care that must be changed and that the real driving forces behind the covid measures need to be disclosed.

The most acute aspect of the current covid crisis is the fact that Covid-19 can be treated with methods and pharmaceutical drugs that are already on the shelves and that have been proven successful when used. But these drugs are on the contrary held back all over the world. This madness must stop, the two physicians explain.

The points in the open letter – Covid Facts

  1. There is no significant increase of total deaths during 2020 compared with the last 20 years.
  2. In 2009 the WHO (World Health Organization) changed the definition of a pandemic from being based on deaths to being based on cases.
  3. During the winter season 2020/2021 the Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten) reported almost zero cases of influenza.
  4. PCR-tests done at 35 or more cycles give 97% false positives. In Sweden, 45-50 cycles are used in the lab.
  5. Facemasks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Facemasks increase the risk of bacterial airway infections.
  6. There is a clear connection between vitamin D deficiency and the risk for hospitalization and death from covid-19.
  7. Ivermectin works as prevention and treatment of covid-19, however, Swedish doctors are not able to prescribe this medication.
  8. Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin is an effective combination treatment of covid-19.
  9. Lockdowns have no scientific evidence showing any decrease in the spread of covid-19. On the contrary, lockdowns cause financial harm, mental illness, and even delayed diagnosis of cancer and heart disease.
  10. Healthy children do not die of covid-19. There is no need for children to receive the experimental injection.
  11. The covid injection is not a vaccine in the traditional sense, rather a form of gene therapy where the individual can still be infected.
  12. Normally vaccine development takes 5-15 years. Since February 2021 there has been an increase of covid deaths parallel with people taking the injection.
  13. We are now in a combined phase 3 + 4 experimental trial without informed consent, which is against the Nuremberg Code.
  14. Vaccine passports will lead to an apartheid system and further loss of individual freedom.

”We should always cure our patients. When there is no cure, we should relieve the symptoms, when there is no relief we should give comfort, and most of all, we must not harm our patients. We demand that all Covid injections are stopped immediately in all age groups.”

Many strange aspects of the covid measurements and the covid injections must be investigated such as the observed harms of the mRNA injections and the contents of the injections.

It’s time for many more physicians and care workers to step up and speak about these things, says Glenn Dormer.


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Tags: Covid Facts
    • I have read that pine-needle tea, with the active component ”suramie”, might be helpful against spike proteins. It won’t hurt to try and it’s rich on vitamin-C and freely available since you can pick it yourself.

    • N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Vit D, Quercetin, and a good quality Multi Vitamin, Buffered Vitamin C powder that you put in your daily water bottle, you can take as much Vit C as you can and when you have loose stools then you lower the amount slightly , until you find the daily amount of Vit C your body requires. If you have an infection of any sort then increase the amount of Vit C until cleared.

      We do NOT make VitC in our bodies! and the Adrenal Glands are hugely involved in fighting infections are THEY ARE the LARGEST USER of Vitamin C. it also acts as a free radical remover, and so much else. Some people use 10,000mg a DAY.

      start at 1,000mg a day and increase daily until you find your ”sweet spot”.

      Eat Healthy foods, NO PROCESSED foods and easy on the Dairy foods. Green tea – very helpful in many areas of the body.

    • I have read that pine-needle tea, with the active component ”suramie”, might be helpful against spike proteins. It won’t hurt to try and it’s rich on vitamin-C and freely available since you can pick it yourself.

    • N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Vit D, Quercetin, and a good quality Multi Vitamin, Buffered Vitamin C powder that you put in your daily water bottle, you can take as much Vit C as you can and when you have loose stools then you lower the amount slightly , until you find the daily amount of Vit C your body requires. If you have an infection of any sort then increase the amount of Vit C until cleared.

      We do NOT make VitC in our bodies! and the Adrenal Glands are hugely involved in fighting infections are THEY ARE the LARGEST USER of Vitamin C. it also acts as a free radical remover, and so much else. Some people use 10,000mg a DAY.

      start at 1,000mg a day and increase daily until you find your ”sweet spot”.

      Eat Healthy foods, NO PROCESSED foods and easy on the Dairy foods. Green tea – very helpful in many areas of the body.

  • This was never, never, never about any virus. It has always been about control. They are not going to give this fight for control easily. Note that Gates is buying up as much farmland and water sources as he can in the USA. Is the same being done where you are?
    That German guy is nothing but lip service to put everyone to sleep. People have to stop listening to him—people, he’s been at it for almost 4 months!! I know this because of when I wrote my article rebutting him. How many people have died since he started??
    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust—a Rebuttal by Joyce Bowen

    We need to do this ourselves:
    Click a link below to get your copy of The Nuremberg Code.

    If you download The Nuremberg Code, understand you have to do something with it. Please e-mail these folks below:
    It’s time to get The Hague involved for violations of The Nuremberg Code and Crimes Against Humanity. Contact them here:
    Submit communications to the
    Office of the Prosecutor
    Information and Evidence Unit
    Office of the Prosecutor

    Post Office Box 19519
    2500 CM The Hague
    The Netherlands
    Fax +31 70 515 8555

  • This was never, never, never about any virus. It has always been about control. They are not going to give this fight for control easily. Note that Gates is buying up as much farmland and water sources as he can in the USA. Is the same being done where you are?
    That German guy is nothing but lip service to put everyone to sleep. People have to stop listening to him—people, he’s been at it for almost 4 months!! I know this because of when I wrote my article rebutting him. How many people have died since he started??
    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust—a Rebuttal by Joyce Bowen

    We need to do this ourselves:
    Click a link below to get your copy of The Nuremberg Code.

    If you download The Nuremberg Code, understand you have to do something with it. Please e-mail these folks below:
    It’s time to get The Hague involved for violations of The Nuremberg Code and Crimes Against Humanity. Contact them here:
    Submit communications to the
    Office of the Prosecutor
    Information and Evidence Unit
    Office of the Prosecutor

    Post Office Box 19519
    2500 CM The Hague
    The Netherlands
    Fax +31 70 515 8555

  • Förnämlig sammanfattning av de viktigaste punkterna i Covid-komplexet! En liten detalj till 7. Swedish doctors are not able to prescribe this medication.
    Jag förstår det som att Swedish doctors are not allowed to prescribe this medication dvs. läkare tillåts inte att skriva ut detta läkemedel.

    Gábor Tiroler, MPH, folkhälsovetare

  • Förnämlig sammanfattning av de viktigaste punkterna i Covid-komplexet! En liten detalj till 7. Swedish doctors are not able to prescribe this medication.
    Jag förstår det som att Swedish doctors are not allowed to prescribe this medication dvs. läkare tillåts inte att skriva ut detta läkemedel.

    Gábor Tiroler, MPH, folkhälsovetare

  • 08:16, vänta nu. små datorer som styrs av 5g? Data på det?
    Jag är med på det mesta fram dit.. Risk att hela budskapet blir klassat som foliehatt när han börjar snacka om centralmakt som styr medborgare med 5g..

  • 08:16, vänta nu. små datorer som styrs av 5g? Data på det?
    Jag är med på det mesta fram dit.. Risk att hela budskapet blir klassat som foliehatt när han börjar snacka om centralmakt som styr medborgare med 5g..

  • Vill väldigt gärna se en intervju med dessa läkare där kritiska frågor ställs om tex hur/var de har fått sin information ifrån. Inte för att sätta dit, utan för att förhoppningsvis komma fram till en större transparens och sanning.

  • It’s clear that people need to wake up now when they see this !

    As the people begin to wake up and understand more and more of our leaders’ agenda I remember Bob Dylan’s song “The times they are a-changin”. He was early with his song (1964) and his belief that one day the people will wake up against the elite’s agenda. It is like he wrote this song today.

    …Come senators, congressmen please heed the call – there’s a battle outside and it is ragin’ – it’ll soon shake your windows, and rattle your walls….

    Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Audio) – YouTube

  • Vill väldigt gärna se en intervju med dessa läkare där kritiska frågor ställs om tex hur/var de har fått sin information ifrån. Inte för att sätta dit, utan för att förhoppningsvis komma fram till en större transparens och sanning.

  • It’s clear that people need to wake up now when they see this !

    As the people begin to wake up and understand more and more of our leaders’ agenda I remember Bob Dylan’s song ”The times they are a-changin”. He was early with his song (1964) and his belief that one day the people will wake up against the elite’s agenda. It is like he wrote this song today.

    …Come senators, congressmen please heed the call – there’s a battle outside and it is ragin’ – it’ll soon shake your windows, and rattle your walls….

    Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Audio) – YouTube

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