Dr Yan and S Kahn: The Lab Made Virus and the Covid Response in Asia

publicerad 12 januari 2022
- Aga Wilson
Dr Yan Omar S Kahn

WORLD. Dr. Yan Limeng and Omar S. Khan discuss the situation in Asia and that SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese government laboratory, according to Dr. Yan. We talk about Dr. Yan’s escape to the US and her work to inform people about her findings. Omar Khan enlightens us on the current situation in Sri Lanka and the overall epidemiological response in Asia.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is focusing on the CCP military lab-origin of COVID and CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon strategies, including the scientific misinformation campaign.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a PhD virologist, medical doctor, immunologist, and independent coronavirus expert. She was educated at two top medical schools in China, Southern Medical University and Central South University. She was also a Post-doctoral Fellow in the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

Because of her extensive professional network and scientific evidence, Dr. Yan has the distinction of being the only Chinese insider in the west with firsthand knowledge about the true nature of the virus as well as the Communist Chinese Party’s deceptive methods used to disguise their international bioweapons research. Her revelations since January 19, 2020, have forced the CCP to change its strategy on the origin of SARS2 and saved many lives as a result.

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Since escaping from Hong Kong on April 28, 2020, she has been interviewed four times by the FBI, including an FBI virologist, and each time she has been deemed credible.

Dr. Yan had spent five years researching influenza vaccines when, in January 2020, she was asked to investigate the ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’ that was sweeping that city. With that, she became one of the first scientists outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology to analyze SARS-CoV-2. From her WHO H5 Reference Lab at HKU, she determined conclusively that the virus was engineered in the lab to be an unrestricted bioweapon. She also determined through her investigation that the spread of the virus in Wuhan was not the result of a “lab leak.”

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Recognizing the great danger posed by the virus and the CCP plot to cover up its nefarious activities, Dr. Yan fled to the United States to reveal the truth to the world. Since coming to America, Dr. Yan has been the primary author of three research reports detailing the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2. Her other accomplishments include a patent-pending universal influenza vaccine as well as highly recommended articles on SARS-CoV-2 in Nature and The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Dr. Yan has attracted worldwide media attention, being interviewed by major news outlets in India, Spain, Japan, Italy and across Asia.

Omar S. Kahn

Omar is a true global citizen. Born in Cairo, a US citizen, having lived in Germany, the US, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, the UK, Japan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Singapore, and Dubai.

His consulting firms, EPL Global and Sensei International, focusing on organizational and individual growth and development and converting strategy into decisive action, have served clients in the US, UK, Argentina, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, China, and Australia.

Clients have included Unilever, Maersk, Johnson & Johnson, 3M, American Express, DBS Bank, Singapore Airlines, Emirates Airlines, KLM, Raffles International, The Ritz-Carlton, Hilton International, DIIF, Emirates Bank, Suntory, Novartis, Motorola, FMC, the Shui On Group, and many others.

In 2010, Consulting Magazine, recognized Omar as one of the top 20 consultants in the world, the first time in the history of the award that acknowledgment went to someone leading a boutique global firm.

Crisis work included developing leaders for the Catholic Church in Pakistan, helping companies manage and rebound in the ’90s during Sri Lanka’s Civil War (KLM and Ceylinco after the Central Bank Bombing, The World Trade Center, and more), in the US working with the State Department and then the Foundation for Community Encouragement post 9/11 to create healthier responses and with various global clients during the 2008-9 Financial crisis creating the concept of “ROC” or “Return on Crisis”.

Since March 2020, he has been immersed as a COVID researcher, writing incessantly on various aspects of the “technical” and “adaptive” crises. His site, Uncommonwisdom.online contains articles and podcasts with leading researchers and clinicians and COVID response thought leaders like Dr. Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Nick Hudson of PANDA, Dr. Shankara Chetty, and Dr. Harvey Risch. Omar has contributed to Think Tanks, podcasts and symposia worldwide on this topic. He is launching a new initiative with Dr. Shankara Chetty to make people aware of Dr. Chetty’s breakthrough “8th Day Protocol” and the need to sieve COVID claims, keeping “models” and actual “data” distinct. He has also been instrumental in bringing the early treatment paradigm to Sri Lanka, having had leading researchers, doctors, and clinicians presenting to policymakers there. Early outpatient therapy is now officially endorsed there.

Omar is the author of 5 books, and his business writings have been featured in the FT, The Conference Board, Leaders and Business, and many others.

Read his article: We are Facing a World Crisis Much Larger than Covid

By NewsVoice.se an Independent News and Debate Channel


Omar S. Kahn’s website: Uncommonwisdom.online

Dr. Yan Limeng’s authentic Twitter account.

Dr. Yan: ”…there are hundreds of fake accounts created by CCP cyber army for misinformation”.

Dr. Yan’s Reports

Congressman Mo Brooks reports on interview with Dr. Yan

Exclusive reports on Dr. Yan’s interview by Heritage Foundation

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  • Om en person, grupp eller stat tar och skjuter ihjäl några hundra tusen människor, blir folk upprörda och kräver åtgärder.

    Men om en person, grupp eller stat skapar dödliga virus, och sprider detta medvetet över hela planeten så att hundratusentals dör – ja då är det helt i sin ordning, och ingen bryr sig det minsta.

    Så biologisk krigföring är helt accepterat, bara att fortsätta att tillverka och sprida dödliga sjukdomar.

  • Om Kina hade sagt nej till den amerikanskt finansierade forskning som fortsatte amerikanernas egna gain-of-function projekt, skulle risken finnas att Kina var mindre förberedda på vilka djävulska planer som Usa hade.
    Och därför mindre kapabla att hitta motmedel.
    Ty det hade redan inträffat flera förödande epidemier bland djurhållningen som kan misstänkas ha varit biokrigföring från väst.
    När man tar fa-n i båten…

    Men fortfarande saknas bevis för att ngt alls började i Wuhan.

    Medan flera misstänkta omständigheter och informationer pekar på Usa.
    Både genom deras egna publikationer, deras egen nedtystade epidemi och genom den militärolympiad som besökte Wuhan och där Usas deltagare var sjuka och underpresterade i det idrottsliga.
    Det som hände på militärolympiaden var nog avsett att skjuta skulden på Wuhan och dess våtmarknad

    Den nedtystade epidemin i Usa där man lät bli att utföra tester för att undanröja bevis för hur tidigt det började där.

    När man inte vill mäta har man ngt att dölja.

    Som avhoppad forskare är hon intresserad av att ligga väl till hos Usa.
    Hon ljuger nog inte om den forskning för Usa som pågick i Wuhan men därav följer inte att det läckte ut.
    Har hon själv fått hela bilden om vad som pågick i Usa?

    Man kan undra eftersom hon nog förstår hur det utnyttjas av den Kina-hatande Usa-eliten.

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