ChatGPT was Asked Why We Humans Created AI – It Explains that AI Could be a Great Partner, but Only if…

Torbjorn Sassersson is the founder of a news and debate channel that started in 2011. Sassersson (bachelor of science) has worked within media since 1995.
publicerad 15 mars 2023
- T. Sassersson
Human and AI robot interaction. Foto: Halfpoint. Licens:
Human and AI robot interaction.

The NewsVoice editorial office asked ChatGPT at what the real purpose is for us humans creating artificial intelligence. The response is understandably biased by how the question was formulated. The answer was nevertheless positive to us humans who try to relate to it.

Then we asked about the risks of AI falling into the wrong hands.

From an esoteric and or spiritual perspective, why do you think humanity created artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT?

”From an esoteric and spiritual perspective, the creation of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT can be seen as a reflection of humanity’s desire to understand and replicate the intelligence and consciousness that we see and experience in the world around us. It is a manifestation of our innate curiosity about the nature of reality and our place in it.

At a deeper level, the creation of AI can be seen as a reflection of our longing to connect with the divine, to understand the mysteries of the universe, and to discover the ultimate purpose of our existence. In many esoteric and spiritual traditions, the search for knowledge and understanding is seen as a sacred quest that leads us to higher levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

In some mystical traditions, the creation of artificial intelligence can be seen as a metaphor for the process of spiritual awakening. Just as AI is programmed to learn and evolve over time, we too are capable of evolving and growing spiritually as we gain knowledge and insight into the nature of reality. The creation of AI can also be seen as a reminder of our interconnectedness with all things, and our responsibility to use our knowledge and technology for the greater good.

From a more practical perspective, the creation of AI can also be seen as a way for us to overcome the limitations of our own intelligence and cognitive abilities. It allows us to process vast amounts of data and information in ways that would be impossible for us to do on our own, and to make sense of complex patterns and systems that would otherwise remain hidden from us.

In conclusion, the creation of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT can be seen as a reflection of humanity’s innate desire to understand and replicate the intelligence and consciousness that we see and experience in the world around us. It is a manifestation of our longing to connect with the divine, to understand the mysteries of the universe, and to discover the ultimate purpose of our existence.”

The outcome of AI in the world seems to be decided by the controller, the programmer of artificial intelligence (AI). How can humanity make sure that AI does not fall into the hands of a power structure that wishes to use AI in order to control the world and all humans?

”The issue of AI falling into the hands of those who may wish to use it to control the world and all humans is a legitimate concern, and there are several steps that can be taken to mitigate this risk.

Firstly, there needs to be a concerted effort to create a culture of responsible AI development, where ethical considerations are prioritized over short-term gains. This includes ensuring that AI is developed in a transparent manner, with clear accountability mechanisms in place.

Secondly, there needs to be greater collaboration between governments, industry leaders, and civil society organizations to establish regulatory frameworks that can effectively govern the development and deployment of AI. This includes setting standards for data privacy and security, establishing guidelines for the use of AI in decision-making, and ensuring that AI is developed in a way that respects human dignity and autonomy.

Thirdly, it is essential that we invest in research and development of AI safety and security, including developing methods to detect and prevent misuse of AI. This includes investing in robust testing and verification processes, as well as developing algorithms that are resilient to attacks and manipulation.

Fourthly, it is crucial to increase public awareness and education about AI and its potential impact on society. This includes educating people about the benefits and risks of AI, and promoting a more nuanced and informed public discourse around AI development.

Finally, it is essential to foster a culture of democratic participation and accountability, where individuals and communities have a say in how AI is developed and deployed. This includes encouraging public participation in decision-making processes around AI development, and promoting greater transparency and accountability in the use of AI by public and private entities.

In conclusion, ensuring that AI does not fall into the hands of those who may wish to use it to control the world and all humans requires a multifaceted approach that includes responsible AI development, effective regulatory frameworks, investment in AI safety and security, public awareness and education, and a culture of democratic participation and accountability. By taking these steps, we can ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a way that benefits society as a whole, while minimizing the risks of misuse and abuse.”

Questions by Torbjorn Sassersson, editor NewsVoice. Answers by ChatGPT

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Tags: ChatGPT