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Michael Talbot – Holographic Realities

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publicerad 7 juni 2010
- NewsVoice redaktion


The mathematics that the brain apparently uses for memory are the same as those used in creating a hologram, says Michael Talbot in this interview recorded shortly before his untimely death. This and other scientific evidence suggests that the mind/brain–and perhaps the entire universe–are a kind of hologram. Based on the theories of David Bohm combined with the brain research of Karl Pribram, this revolutionary model of reality sheds new light on such phenomena as psychic powers, poltergeists, hypnosis and faith healing, and opens up exciting new possibilities of human thought and potential practical applications.

Talbot is the author of Mysticism and the New Physics (Bantam 1981), Beyond the Quantum (Macmillan 1986) and The Holographic Universe (HarperCollins 1991).

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