Alleged cosmic events creates wild specualtions on the World Wild Web

NewsVoice är en oberoende nättidning med utgivningsbevis som startade 2011. Syftet är att publicera nyheter, debattartiklar, kommentarer och analyser. Stöd vårt arbete genom att donera, sponsra (tex granskningar, utlandsreportage) eller annonsera.
publicerad 30 april 2011
- NewsVoice redaktion
Corona Hole, April 28, 2011. Image credit: NASA
Corona Hole, April 28, 2011. Image credit: NASA

Wild mindless speculations and pseudoscience or scientfic based hypothesis? It’s hard to say. You have to dig into every claim and find out for yourself. It’s definitely wild and engaging. The world wide web is flooded by alternative views of all kinds and it accelerate due to the growing use of the web and technical audio-video equipment making everybody into journalists and whistleblowers. These two speculations found on the web suggest coming earthquakes during the coming next few days. – Torbjorn Sassersson, editor

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