Filmen Michael Clayton handlar garanterat om Monsanto och ogräsmedlet Round-Up

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publicerad 19 april 2012
- NewsVoice redaktion

Michael ClaytonJag såg ikväll för första gången filmen ”Michael Clayton” från 2007. Den handlar helt klart om megaföretaget Monsanto som producerar GMO-mat och deras giftiga ogräsmedel Round-Up. Jag vill rekommendera filmen som är en politisk, välgjord och mycket aktuell thriller. Filmen tycks ge tittarna tips om hur ett lagöverträdande megaföretag som Monsanto kan dras inför rätta.

Sammanställt av Torbjörn Sassersson

Vanity Fair drar liknande slutsatser

Still, more than one Web log claims to see similarities between Monsanto and the fictional company “U-North” in the movie Michael Clayton, an agribusiness giant accused in a multibillion-dollar lawsuit of selling an herbicide that causes cancer.

Gary Rinehart clearly remembers the summer day in 2002 when the stranger walked in and issued his threat. Rinehart was behind the counter of the Square Deal, his “old-time country store,” as he calls it, on the fading town square of Eagleville, Missouri, a tiny farm community 100 miles north of Kansas City.

Most Americans know Monsanto because of what it sells to put on our lawns— the ubiquitous weed killer Roundup. What they may not know is that the company now profoundly influences—and one day may virtually control—what we put on our tables. For most of its history Monsanto was a chemical giant, producing some of the most toxic substances ever created, residues from which have left us with some of the most polluted sites on earth. Yet in a little more than a decade, the company has sought to shed its polluted past and morph into something much different and more far-reaching—an “agricultural company” dedicated to making the world “a better place for future generations.”

Read more in Vanity Fair

Filmsajten Rotten Tomatoes ger filmen mycket högt betyg 

”Michael Clayton is one of the most sharply scripted films of 2007, with an engrossing premise and faultless acting. Director Tony Gilroy succeeds not only in capturing the audience’s attention, but holding it until the credits roll.” Source

George Clooney

Clooney är intressant. Hans sägs vara en av de få riktigt kända Hollywood-stjärnor som vill och vågar producera politiska filmer med budskap om aktuella ämnen. Se den här filmen om du bara ska se 10 filmer i år, men du kanske såg den redan 2007.

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