Wikipedia in Error – Entries Contain Factual Errors According to Study

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publicerad 20 april 2012
- NewsVoice redaktion
Marcia W. DiStaso, Ph.D - Press photo
Marcia W. DiStaso, Ph.D – Press photo

Public relations professionals cite issues with Wikipedia’s accuracy and editing process

60% of Wikipedia articles about companies contain factual errors, according to research published today in the Public Relations Society of America’s (PRSA). Findings from the research establish an understanding for how public relations professionals work with Wikipedia editors to achieve accuracy in their clients’ entries.

The research was conducted by Marcia W. DiStaso, Ph.D., co-chair of PRSA’s National Research Committee and an assistant professor of public relations at Penn State University in State College, Pa.

Marcia DiStaso surveyed 1,284 public relations professionals from PRSA, the International Association of Business Communicators, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, the Institute for Public Relations and the National Investor Relations Institute to assess their working relationship with Wikipedia. The Arthur W. Page Center at Penn State’s College of Communications funded the research.

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”Breiviksympatisörer styr Wikipedia”

Anders Behring Breiviks meningsfränder för en ideologisk kamp för att föra fram sina idéer på Wikipedia. Jarle Vines, ledare för Wikipedia Norge, slår larm och efterlyser fler som kan redigera artiklar objektivt på uppslagssajten.

Källa: SvD: 20 april 2012

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