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Rupert Sheldrake on Guerilla Skeptics and Wikipedia

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publicerad 25 juni 2013
- NewsVoice redaktion
Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake

Last month, I gave a technical seminar at the newly-opened Sainsbury Laboratory, in Cambridge University, on the plant hormone auxin, on which I used to work in Cambridge. This is now online here as an audio file, together with the slides: Auxin Seminar.

I have just released a new Science Set Free podcast with Mark Vernon, called ”The Spiritual Uses of Science”. You can hear it: The Spiritual Uses of Science

Pam Smart and I are setting up a Companion Animal Research Group for people who would like to do research with their dogs, cats or other animals. If you have an animal that knows when you are coming home or who seems to respond to your thoughts and intentions telepathically, and if you would like to take part in a simple research project, please get in touch with Pam by email: p.e.smart@btinternet.com She will send you further details.

Robert McLuhan has recently drawn attention to the phenomenon of guerrilla skeptics, who devote a great deal of time and energy to modifying Wikipedia entries so that they reflect a skeptical point of view about psychic phenomena, and try to portray research on these subjects as pseudoscience.

His blog on the subject is here: Guerrilla Skeptics

Some people regard Wikipedia as a lost cause, but Robert thinks it’s important to do something about it, and I agree with him. If you have some experience in editing Wikipedia, know something about parapsychology and would like to help Robert and me with this project, please let me know. My email address is below.

In July, God willing, my family and I leave for our annual migration to Canada. My wife Jill Purce and I are jointly leading an evening event in Vancouver on Friday July 12 called ”Liberating Minds and Voices.” From July 31-August 4, I am giving a workshop on ”Plants, Minds and Resonances” at Hollyhock, on Cortes Island, BC, together with my sons Merlin, who is currently doing research on tropical ecology in the jungles of central America, and Cosmo, a musician.

On the evening of Friday September 6, I will be speaking at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, and leading a workshop there the following day. The following weekend, September 13-15, I am giving a workshop at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA, with Marc Andrus, the Bishop of California, on ”Wisdom Pathways, Science and Spirituality.”

Details are on my schedule: Rupert’s Schedule

By Rupert Sheldrake

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