Diabetiker riskerar en dubbel risk att drabbas av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar pga oregelbundenheter i insulinnivån och höga halter av glukos i blodet. Upp till var tredje amerikan kan få diabetes år 2050 beräknar experter. Det skriver Natural News som påminner om rön från 2012.
”A research team from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has determined that people with diabetes often develop clogged arteries that cause heart disease, and suggest that low vitamin D levels are to blame. Publishing in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, principal investigator, Dr. Carlos Bernal-Mizrachi commented.
”About 26 million Americans now have type 2 diabetes… and as obesity rates rise, we expect even more people will develop diabetes. Those patients are more likely to experience heart problems due to an increase in vascular inflammation, so we have been investigating why this occurs.”