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Psychiatrists and Psychologists and Their Role in the Sexualisation and Transification of Children


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publicerad 26 december 2024
- News@NewsVoice
Christian Pavón - Pressfoto: Ekström Garay (ekstromgaray.se) fotoägare
Christian Pavón

Psychiatrists have, for a long time, played a pivotal role in the sexualisation and transification of our children. Why is that, and what can we do about it?

By Christian Pavón, NewsVoice. Pavón (Pavon.se) is a European lawyer who focuses on politics, law, culture, and geopolitics. He is a freelancer and part of the NewsVoice editorial team.

One of the things that I am most sickened by is when children become victims of some harmful agenda. Children have sadly always been a tool of political groups. Some of these political agendas are pretty benign. Children are, for example, often used for political messaging because of their innocence.

I really never like when children are used in that way. Ever, but I think it can be more or less bad depending on the circumstances. In this case, though, it is downright horrifying.

When I say that psychiatrists are a very shady group of professionals, It might sound like a big generalization. Some may say, “Surely it is a whole group, and they cannot all be bad? It is like you are saying that you hate all cops or all plumbers or anything!”

But sadly, that comparison is not valid in this case…

When did this start?

If we are really picky and start from the absolute outset, one might argue that the famous father of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud, was the first one to actually at least imply that children are sexual beings.

One such example is when he argued that all little girls are jealous of boys’ penises, and another is that Freud thought that small kids like building high towers because they secretly thought about having a big penis, like an erection.

This is weird because, as children in well-functioning families, sex is not talked about at all when you are really small, and when you become older, it is mostly talked about in very biological terms. Small boys don´t think about erections and implying that is very, very strange…

But when things truly got strange is when the famous biologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey started to write about “children’s sexuality.”

Alfred said this, among many other things: “ All orgasms are “outlets” and equal between husband and wife, boy and dog, man and boy, girl, or baby? For there is no abnormality and no normality,”

He went on to write in the Kinsey reports that there is no evidence that sex with children is bad, and therefore, he saw no harm in incest. He also involved an outright paedophile in his research.

The depravity of Alfred Kinsey is exceptionally problematic because his research is still today one of the cornerstones of sexology and is taught to both psychologists and psychiatrists. Kinsey is considered one of the leading sources of research when it comes to research on human sexuality.

Another horrible individual is a man named John Money. He was a famous psychologist and the one who was mostly responsible for the mainstreaming, or rather mainstream acceptance of transsexualism.

John Money was also responsible for trying to transform David Reimer into a girl after a failed circumcision by another doctor.

John’s treatments drove Reimer to lots of psychological problems, and Reimer committed suicide later as an adult.

Today, psychiatrists and psychologists are the forerunners in promoting gender transition in children and adolescents.

Swedish media have actually started to question many of those transitions after many young people began to feel very depressed and even committed suicide.

I think this is a good segway also to question how why society seems to excuse this behavior.

A Facebook friend and fellow critic of today’s society named Henrik “Hedda” Wallin posted a picture on X that he got a one-month ban for:


For reference, Enoch Burke is a teacher who spent more than 400 days in jail for refusing to call students by their preferred pronoun.

Henrik believes that doctors, politicians, and people working in the justice system deserve to be very harshly treated if they enforce those policies and thereby hurt children.

For that, X closed his account permanently and deleted all his content, not only the content regarding trans-issues.

I believe that it is a symptom of sickness in X and, frankly, a sign that Elon Musk is actually afraid to confront this lobby as harshly as they should be confronted.

Giving Henrik such a hard punishment for this is in my eyes a sad evidence that X is a part of the problem and that Musk must stop censoring the truth if he wants to be taken seriously as the white knight for freedom of speech which he claims to be!

I try to do the best I can to bring attention to this, but we will need an uprising against psychiatry, or we won’t end the child abuse in the name of sex changes or the most flagrantly absurd term: “Gender reassignment surgery”…..

It is important that we promote the fact that psychiatrists are continuing the work of Kinsey and John Money. Of course, not all psychiatrists are bad, and not all psychologists are either. But what we have to remember is that Kinsey’s theories are still required reading when becoming psychiatrists or psychologists, and that is extremely problematic.

Why are Kinsey’s theories held in high respect by psychologists and psychiatrists?

I believe that everyone must be aware that there is a plan from psychiatrists and psychologists to sexualize children. If you don´t recognize that, then you are either very unaware of the problem or you don´t see it as a problem and want children to be viewed as sexual creatures.

If we don´t want children to be fair game for depraved individuals, psychiatrists and psychologists who promote this sick behaviour will have to be fair game for us.

If you think my reasoning here is black and white, it is because, in this case, it definitely is.


By Christian Pavón, NewsVoice. This article was previously published on Substack

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