Webb-TV-kanalen ”The People’s Voice” startar med en 5 timmar lång live-sändning med intressanta gäster från hela världen
”The first broadcast from The People’s Voice studio will be an introduction to the station ahead of our launch date to introduce our presenters and production team with a long list of guests including Cynthia McKinney, Norman Finkelstein, Peter Tatchell, Jim Marrs, Gerald Celente, Richard C. Hoagland, Lauren Moret and Leah Bolger and there’s more to follow.”
Streaming-adress: Davidicke.com/TPV på söndag 10 november kl 18-23 svensk tid
David Icke hoppade av The Peoples Voice 25 juni 2014 pga för många egodrivna personer som nästlade sig in, enligt Icke.
”Its major problems have come from not being able to attract advertising and sponsorship to pay ongoing running costs and because, in among the many thoroughly decent and committed people who have been involved, it has attracted some of the most poisonous, manipulating, me, me, me self-obsessives you could ever meet.”
Fantastiskt spännande. Från en idé i maj till livesändningar nu i november, allt tack vare donationer från ”vanliga” människor. Den revolutionerande potentialen som detta projekt har är att den kan bevisa att det går att skapa en professionell global nyhetskanal och få den att leva vidare tack vare frivilliga donationer från i huvudsak ”vanliga” människor.
Would love you to Come take up the issue of basic inkom/ citizen who currently spreading across The Europe. Welfare is important for Europe’s citizen, must bring an end to the thieving and money horny peaks. Banks, large companies they need to understand the importance of having citizen who can spend within their respective contries.
A rescue for all of us.
Thefts from our common treasure chest should have an end.