The Mac Pro Is a Shiny Metal Cylinder of Processing Power

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 21 januari 2014
- Torbjörn Sassersson


WIRED. The “pro” in Mac Pro is there for a reason. With price tags that start at $3, 000 and specs that make your average desktop look like an abacus, these have always been machines designed for those who need ridiculous amounts of processing power on a daily basis.

Photo: Apple

The newly redesigned Pro doesn’t just deliver that power, it does so without looking like any desktop tower you’ve ever seen.

Read more on Wired

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