Clint Eastwood räddade man med Heimlichmanövern

publicerad 9 februari 2014
- Henrik G

HeimlichmanovernClint Eastwood, 83 år, räddade i onsdags livet på en man med hjälp av Heimlichmanövern. Steve John hade satt i halsen mitt under en golfrunda.

The party at the Monterey Conference Center was in full swing and performances by Kenny G, Tom Dreesen and other celebrities who are playing in the tournament had just ended, John said.

He was standing and chat- ting with VIPs and eating some hors d’oeuvres when, all of a sudden, he was in a life-threatening situation. “We were just talk- ing,” John said. “A piece of cheese went in my mouth, and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. It was as bad as it could have been.”

Heimlichmanövern går ut på att man fattar tag i personen som fått något som fastnat i luftstrupen, bakifrån om midjan, och sedan lyfter med ett rykt så att luften pressas ut ur lungorna varpå föremålet som fastnat i luftstrupen pressas upp och ut.

Illustration: Medical Dictionary

Källa: The Carmel Pine Cone

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