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Psychotherapy movie: ”Jimmy P” – Benicio Del Toro, Mathieu Amalric

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publicerad 14 februari 2014
- NewsVoice redaktion

At the end of World War II, Jimmy Picard, a Native American Blackfoot who fought in France, is admitted to Topeka Military Hospital in Kansas – an institution specializing in mental illness. Jimmy suffers from numerous symptoms: dizzy spells, temporary blindness, hearing loss.

In the absence of any physiological causes, he is diagnosed as schizophrenic. Nevertheless, the hospital management decides to seek the opinion of Georges Devereux, a French anthropologist, psychoanalyst and specialist in Native American culture.

In the theaters: February 14, 2014
Director: Arnaud Desplechin
Actors: Benicio Del Toro, Mathieu Amalric, Gina McKee


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