The Guardian. The spectacular fall of the Japanese scientist who claimed to have triggered stem cell abilities in regular body cells is not uncommon in the scientific community. The culprit: carelessness and hubris in the drive to make a historic discovery.
The year 2014 was one of extremes for [name]. A year of high highs and even lower lows. Barely 30 years old, she was head of her own laboratory at the Riken Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) in Kobe, Japan, and was taking the male-dominated world of stem cell research by storm. She was hailed as a bright new star in the scientific firmament and a national hero. But her glory was short-lived and her fall from grace spectacular, completed in several humiliating stages.
PS ”Why Do Scientists Cheat? – Well, for starters, it’s actually pretty easy to.”
Väldigt intressant artikel. Fastnade bl a för ”Reproducibility is one of the cornerstones of modern science”, vilket fick mig att tänka på Monsanto:s ”forskning” om genetiskt modifierade grödor. Deras anspråk på att GMO inte orsakar skador har inte kunnat reproduceras/verifieras, vilket innebär att vi nog står inför en av världens största falsarier. Hade de haft rent mjöl i påsen hade de inte använt gangstermetoder mot forskare som försökt reproducera deras forskning.