Sime Conference 10-11 nov 2015 – Ad

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publicerad 8 juli 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

Sime wants to spread knowledge about the internet and digital opportunities. Sime is Northern Europe’s largest conference about the internet and digital opportunities with flagship events this year in Stockholm and Miami. Sime is about how digital opportunities can convert into new business, a better world and a lot of fun. More

Sime Conference – Stockholm – 10–11 Nov 2015

The theme for this year is Exponential Transformation. We explore everything in the world of digital that is changing exponentially and understand the ‘how’ to be part of these exponential times.

Agenda (some of the key notes)

Human 2.0– body hacking

  • How man and robots can become a beautiful reality.
  • How technology can lend a helping hand.
  • Exploring the frontiers of the internet of the body.

Gadgets and technologies

  • Robots, 3D Printers, Drones, watches and the next big thing.

Creative space in your head

  • Tearing down mental and physical walls

Implications of exponential change – a world order redrawn

  • How exponential times need exponential people

Holistic marketing from strategy to ecstatic customers

  • Turning your customers into fan boys

How tech kills employment, economics and tired industries

  • Understanding why 70% of today’s jobs will change or disappear.

In search of the next billion dollar tech company

  • Who is the next set of Nordic unicorns?

Behind the screens of a a global tech giant

  • From selling products to creating eco systems

Drones media

  • Understand “Drones media” the new buzz word of the year
  • How drones can disrupt your industry

The business of sharing

  • Why the world becomes more open and connected than ever before

From talking about 3D printing to….

  • Redefining ethical boundaries.

When a computer is smarter than all of us together

  • What it means to have more intelligent species than humans?
  • How self-learning machines can change our jobs, our health and our business completely?

Battling dictatorship with truth and mediathe

  • How media can be the beginning of the end to dictatorship in North Korea

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Tags: internetSime