Abby Martin (fd startar ”The Empire Files”

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publicerad 29 augusti 2015
- NewsVoice redaktion

Abby MartinAlla som följt ryska utveckling har knappast missat varken Larry Kings show ”Politicking” eller Abby Martins ”Breaking the Set”. King som ursprungligen var ett av USA:s mest kända ankarnamn med egen show på CNN (Larry King Live) är fortfarande kvar på, men Abby Martin lämnade Russia Today för en tid sedan.

Snart får Martin permanent bostadsadress i New York där hon ska leda ett team av undersökande journalister. Kanalen heter: ”The Empire Files” och den startar den 4:e september 2015.

Hon skriver på den nya sajten:

”While the United States dominates the globe as its ascendant military imperator, it has further consolidated networks of globalized corporate influence that privileges power and prioritizes profit over the welfare of the health of the planet, and the freedom and safety of its people.

Governments continue to pour seemingly infinite resources into an economy of endless war, at the expense of their people. Society is sick, and the symptoms of collapse are everywhere: War and instability worldwide. Permanent unemployment. Hungry screams from riots of the unheard. Dissipating possibilities and evaporating liberties.

A polluted ecology of the mind of the masses. Foreclosed homes and dreams. Corrosive abuse of power, and a defunct democracy upheld by an all-seeing police state.

The emergence of decentralized digital networks of information have presented a new wave of consciousness that is shaking the foundations of the heretofore unchallenged position of empire, hegemony and imperialism as constant factors in the global struggle.

Text: NewsVoice


The Empire Files
19006 112th Ave
Queens, NY 11412


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