Michael Moores senaste film hade premiär i den 10 september på 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. I amerikanska medier når smutskastningen av Moore nya höjder på grund av filmens vinkel som driver kopiöst med USA.
Så här skriver Thom Powers för Toronto International Film Festival om filmen:
”Now, six years since his last film and with another US election around the corner, he delivers a fresh surprise that feels current yet perfectly timeless.”
”The United States’ long history of invading countries and pushing agendas has produced results that are, to say the least, mixed. What if the US could do a better job at invading? That’s the premise for this film, which sends Moore on an epic journey.”
”Americans may be known as talkers, but Moore actually listens and he’s a magnet for memorable characters. Their dialogues are revelatory, poignant, and hilarious. The film builds momentum toward a culmination that resonates with hard-earned hope.”
Michael Moore talar vid världspremiären av filmen
Video av Shadi Didi.