Putins tal – Vad Väst inte vill att du ska höra – FN 28 september 2015

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 30 september 2015
- Torbjörn Sassersson

Västerländska medier har inte i detalj redovisat vad Putin egentligen sa i FN den 28 september 2015 inför FN:s församling. Eftersom Putin och Ryssland satts i världsfokus av hela Västs propagandamaskineri är det rimligt att Putins budskap också får en central plats. Det har inte skett och därför måste alternativa medier kliva in och leverera det som utelämnats.

Text: Torbjörn Sassersson

NewsVoice speglar nedan några enstaka citat av vad Putin sa. Texten är översatt av RT.com till engelska. I videon ovan (drygt 5 min lång) har vi klippt ut ett utdrag ur Putins tal, kommenterat av Alex Jones. Den kompletta videon finns på InfoWars. Se hela Putins tal på RT.com.

Putin om flyktingkrisen och dominansförsök iscensatt av Västs maktcentrum

“I cannot help asking those who have caused this situation: Do you realize now what you have done?” … “But I am afraid the question will hang in the air, because policies based on self-confidence and belief in one’s exceptionality and impunity have never been abandoned.”

“A single center of domination emerged in the world after the Cold War era ended” … ”Those who were at the “top of this pyramid” were tempted to think that “if they were so strong and exceptional, they knew what to do better than others.”

“Therefore they do not have to reckon with the UN, which instead of automatically authorizing, legitimizing the necessary decisions often creates obstacles or in other words stands in the way”.

Putin om ISIS and terrorism

“First, they are armed and trained and then they defect to the so-called Islamic State. Besides, the Islamic State did not just come from nowhere. It was also initially forged as a tool against undesirable secular regimes”.

“It will equally irresponsible to manipulate extremist groups and place them at ones service in order to achieve ones political goals, in the hope of later dealing with them, or in other words, liquidating them.”

“[Islamic State] ranks include former Iraqi servicemen who were thrown onto the street after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Many recruits also come from Libya – a country whose statehood has been destroyed [by the US] as a result of gross violations of UNSC resolution 1973.”

“We believe that any attempts to play games with terrorists, let alone arm them, is not only short-sighted, but ‘fire hazardous.’ This may result in a global terrorist threat increasing dramatically and engulfing new regions of the world”.

“We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian government and its armed forces who are valiantly fighting terrorism face to face”.

“We should finally acknowledge that no one but President Assad’s armed forces and Kurdish militia are truly fighting Islamic State and other terrorist organizations in Syria”.

Putin om NATO och Ukraina

“Cold War thinking and the desire to explore new geopolitical areas are still present among some in the international community”.

“First they continued their policy of expanding NATO,” … Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, “they offered post-Soviet countries a false choice – either to be with the West or with the East. Sooner or later the logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a grave geopolitical crisis. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine where the discontent of the population with the current authorities was used and a military coup was orchestrated from the outside that triggered civil war as a result.”

“Ukraine’s territorial integrity cannot be ensured by threats and the force of arms. What is needed is the genuine consideration of the interests and rights of people in the Donbass region, [and] respect for their choice.”


Putin 28 sep2015 UN

Foto: FN, 28 sep 2015

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