The American agenda for its international cooperation is well described by economist John Perkins, who worked for the CIA, in his book ”Confessions of an Economic Hitman”. He tells about his task to ”persuade” the presidents of developing countries to allow US companies to buy their natural resources for a pittance.
By Ingemar Wärnström | Also read Part 1
The economic hitman organizes huge loans from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund; loans, big enough to make sure that the countries can’t pay them back.
The money goes directly to American companies to build, for example airfields, dams, highways, power plants or other projects of some benefit to the rich part of the population, but never to the poor. When the countries then can’t manage the mortgage, it’s time for the hitman to reenter and explain that they instead can take care of the country’s natural resources, at a well discounted price.
When there is a newly elected president, he is approached by a hitman who offers to make him extremely wealthy, if he just follows the instructions. If he instead chooses to carry out his election promises a fatal accident is arranged for him by some “jackal”, a specialist in organizing murders; it could be a car accident or a crashed presidential plane.
CIA has been the tool preparing the exchange of presidents into US-friendly (bribe-taking) ones. Its funding has partly come from the world’s drug trafficking, which many insiders have revealed is organized by the CIA. (13)
This is how US foreign policy has been pursued for at least 50 years. The assassination of Chile’s elected president Allende and the appointment of Pinochet’s cruel dictatorship was planned by Henry Kissinger, says Perkins. Kissinger was also the architect of the war in Cambodia, where US bombed poor farmers in a country with which they were not even at war. Kissinger who has millions of deaths and ruined lives on his conscience should be in prison, but his reputation in the western world is instead rather much on top.
John F. Kennedy was aware of the activity of evil. In a speech to US journalists in 1961, he said:
”We stand face to face, across the world, with a massive and ruthless conspiracy which; with the support of secrecy, is expanding its influence. . . They have seized immense human and material resources to build a cohesive, highly effective machinery including military, diplomatic, spying, economic, scientific and political operations.”
Kennedy’s private notes showed that he intended to close down the CIA. He was assassinated in 1963 and today it is proven beyond any doubt that the official explanation of the murder is fake (14).
A morbid fear among the US military and the political elite has led to creation of more than 800 military bases all over the world. They know that their military superiority is a must for their own survival when humanity wakes up. Russia has two military bases, one in Tajikistan and one in Kyrgyzstan both former Soviet states. The US has since 1950 been bombing 30 countries and replaced elected presidents in about 50! Russia has not bombed any country or taken down any country’s president.
Control of Media
A handful of Western media groups control how world events are reported to the public. Recently, the German journalist and previous editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte published his book ”Bought Journalists” where he admits that he was a front man for the CIA [watch interview].
”It went so far that I put my name under articles written by CIA agents,” he reveals in the book, which has become a bestseller in Germany. ”But when I noticed that the US was preparing a war against Russia, it became too much for me.”
He also says that there are no significant journalists in Europe who aren’t paid by the CIA. Today, when NATO puts its nuclear missiles along the entire Russian-European border – contrary to Reagan’s promise to Gorbachiew not to move NATO closer to their boarder – the western mainstream media manage to make this clear provocation towards Russia look like Russian aggression! That’s how big mass media’s power of delusion is!
A coup in which the United States intends to intervene militarily is always preceded by a smear campaign of the head of the country by the media. If this is thoroughly done and goes on long enough invasion will be only mildly criticized and the whole procedure can then continue with next country in turn.
Iraqi president Saddam Hussein refused to sell its oil at a bargain price, and the Iraq war followed. Gaddafi in Libya would rather sell his country’s oil in gold dinars, which he was about to introduce to be a common currency for all of Africa, than in the US petrodollar. Under no circumstances the US could allow this to happen.
Gaddafi, who had built up Libya to Africa’s best functioning country with free housing, free schools and free healthcare, was loved by the majority of his people, but US decided that he must go. Therefore media told the world that he was a terrible tyrant to his people. And the result was as Hillary Clinton so poetically expressed it with a laugh:
”We came, we saw, he died.”
Today, Libya is a country in chaos and ruins, the accomplishment of NATO!
Assad in Syria, a UK-trained ophthalmologist also has large popular support with 88.7% of the votes in an election in 2014 where observers from 30 countries were present. But we are told that also he is a threat to the United States. They claim that he is the root of all evil and must be replaced. Hard efforts are done right now, with the help of Washington’s proxy army ISIS, funded by Saudi Arabia, Israel, England, and trained and equipped by the United States. Note that the main enemy of all Muslim countries Israel is not a target for ISIS! (10)
After heavy media bullying of the head of a state in order to get the public’s ”okay” the military invades the country, kills a large part of the civilian population (the Iraq war brought one million dead and 4 million refugees), appoints a puppet for leader and steals the country’s natural resources, all while the western populations believe there is some kind of motivated police operation going on.
Isn’t it remarkable that a country whose leadership has only power, money, and control in mind, and who has lied to the world many times before (e.g. to start the Vietnam War when McNamara lied that one of the US ships had been attacked, to invade Iraq where Saddam Hussein allegedly had weapons of mass destruction, and amazingly enough, even when using the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (12)), may continue time after time for decades and centuries with the same tactics, but the population of the Western world are unable to see the real deception.
Vladimir Putin in 2008 – Photo: Russavia,, Wikimedia Commons
Putin’s Russia
Now it is Putin and the threat of a strong and well-functioning Russia they want to destroy. While the people of Russia know that Putin is doing an excellent job for them and their country, the Swedish people believe they know he is a tyrant who must go, because that is what all newspapers, radio and TV has told the Swede’s for all of the 15 years he has been in power. But the more Putin is bullied, the stronger the Russians closes up behind him, and together with China, Russia can hardly be defeated militarily.
The question is whether this detail can stop a war that the US prepared for many years and which they probably intend to develop into a third world war. The US must bring about a major war to save their dollar currency. The US dollar has for many years been printed at a rate that should have caused super-inflation. Its value is now being artificially kept up by manipulation of the gold and silver prices. (9) The gold standard preventing this was removed in 1971.
It is difficult to distinguish any aggression from Putin’s side if we disregard the Western media propaganda. At a convention speech in Moscow, he deviated from the topic of politics and shared his views on the meaning of life;
”The only meaning of life and existence is love. Love of the family, the children, and love to one’s fatherland. This is a versatile phenomenon, which is the basis for all of our behavior.”
Isn’t that a statement we would like to hear from all politicians in the world?
Today there is the possibility thanks to the internet to listen to Putin’s all speeches in English translation (11) and see the documentary about his 15 years as Russia’s leader (7). The video shows an integrated person with great transparency in political matters, a politician with ethical ideals and care for society’s vulnerable people, something that hardly can be faked for many years.
Thanks to the internet and a growing number of alternative media people are now starting to wake up to the realization of who is running the world. The power elite’s time is over for good when large enough number of people wake up because no conscious human being wants a world ruled by dark powers capable of lying, raping, killing and torturing.
The elites are fully aware of that fact and have a pathological need to fully control each individual in the world. It’s all about preventing any form of opposition to their planned global dictatorship from appearing anywhere. That’s why they are saving all our phone calls and emails.
In the ongoing battle between darkness and light, communism long played the role of darkness. Today the power elite tries to impose that role on Putin. The daily lies about him in the world press is important for those preparing a war against Russia.
That’s why Putin is bullied! He must be manipulated out of power, even if war is necessary for that.
The struggle between good and evil has been going on for thousands of years, with the destructive black power in charge in society. This is a power that constantly has done its best to make life difficult for us and lead us astray, because that’s their task.
Therefore, most of what we’ve been taught by our schools and universities is wrong. We have a flawed world-view and based on that the basis for our science is also flawed. The world is not made up of material particles, but of consciousness energy and much science will in the near future have to be rectified and go through a necessary metamorphosis.
It is time for humanity to wake up now. There is a vastly better world within reach, when we no longer vote for psychopaths to decide over our lives. We must learn to understand how the black power operates and identify and exclude those who have sold their soul and work for the dark to create chaos and war and withhold from us correct knowledge of life. Then we can without much difficulty take all power away from them.
By Ingemar Wärnström | Also read Part 1
Ingemar Wärnström jumped off from the industry in the seventies and has devoted his time to try to contribute to a better world. He organized the first Swedish seminar on free energy in 1994, formed CANHELP, Council for the Advancement of a New Human Ethic Life Paradigm in 1996 and started UGWB, University for Global Well-Being in 1998, an attempt to establish a more correct world view instead of the materialistic one based on false assumptions which he means has brought us the dysfunctional world we have today. His book SLOWLY WE WAKE UP, and Realize who is Running our World, will be available in English in the fall of 2015.
7. THE PRESIDENT (documentary Putin, English subtitles)
8. Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins
9. Paul Craig Roberts – Economic House of Cards, Demand for Gold and Silver
10. Is Washington financing terrorism
11. President of Russia (
12. America’s Barbaric Logic of Hiroshima 70 Years On By Finian Cunningham
13. Decades-old CIA crack cocaine scandal gains new momentum
14. A movie that explains who governs the world is, JFK to 911: Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick
15. A book that explains who governs the world is SLOWLY WE WAKE UP, and Realize who is Running our World.
Wärnström har rätt information och insikt.
Vad beträffar kalla kriget, så var det så att Churchill trots att han var Iluminati ville erövra Ryssland inte därför att det var fiende, därför att det var slagen och hade många resurser, men vi fick höra en annan historie, det kunde vara den första lögn efter kriget, då Iluminati hade byggt opp Bolchewikerna, tsaren hade vägrad att bygga opp en riksbank i ryssland. De brukar inte bekämpa sina egna.
Men ett kalla krig där hela Europa darrade var lägligt för att inpränta rädslan för Ryssland i massornas hjärnor. Vissa och däribland Sverige har svårt att lära om.
Det som visar hur korrupt hela världen är , är att Kissinger med flera, inte sitter bakom lås och bomb som krigsförbrytare mot mänskligheten. Skall man verkligen ta hänsyn till åldern och status?
Lösningen är egentligen hur enkelt som helst, om människor inte låta sig dras med i denna hets och uttala sig mot krig och vägra att gå in i krig, då står sig dessa planer slätt. Det vad man inte begriper, när man är för ett krig, är att man själv och ens närmaste med största sannolikhet kommer att dö, vill man verkligen det?
Många som har ” stolt” skickat sina söner/döttrar till Afghanistan, Irak, Vietnam och slutligen bara fått kistan och en flagga tillbaka känna sig lurat, hur så? Krig betyder död och den är avsett för detta. Att inbilla sig något annat är verkligen en illusion.
Wärnström har rätt information och insikt.
Vad beträffar kalla kriget, så var det så att Churchill trots att han var Iluminati ville erövra Ryssland inte därför att det var fiende, därför att det var slagen och hade många resurser, men vi fick höra en annan historie, det kunde vara den första lögn efter kriget, då Iluminati hade byggt opp Bolchewikerna, tsaren hade vägrad att bygga opp en riksbank i ryssland. De brukar inte bekämpa sina egna.
Men ett kalla krig där hela Europa darrade var lägligt för att inpränta rädslan för Ryssland i massornas hjärnor. Vissa och däribland Sverige har svårt att lära om.
Det som visar hur korrupt hela världen är , är att Kissinger med flera, inte sitter bakom lås och bomb som krigsförbrytare mot mänskligheten. Skall man verkligen ta hänsyn till åldern och status?
Lösningen är egentligen hur enkelt som helst, om människor inte låta sig dras med i denna hets och uttala sig mot krig och vägra att gå in i krig, då står sig dessa planer slätt. Det vad man inte begriper, när man är för ett krig, är att man själv och ens närmaste med största sannolikhet kommer att dö, vill man verkligen det?
Många som har ” stolt” skickat sina söner/döttrar till Afghanistan, Irak, Vietnam och slutligen bara fått kistan och en flagga tillbaka känna sig lurat, hur så? Krig betyder död och den är avsett för detta. Att inbilla sig något annat är verkligen en illusion.
Tack för en mycket belysande artikel!
Betr. Agneta Norbergs: ”Vi i Sverige utsattes för ett veritabelt bombardemang av falska påståenden att Ryssen stod beredd att anfalla.”
..så kan jag tillägga att alla barn i min hemby i sydöstra Skåne fick, på 50-talet, en rostfri namnbricka och halskedja med våra namn, hemadress och födelsedatum på. Dessa skulle vi ha på oss dygnet runt. Vi var livrädda för ’den lede fi’, den hemske Ryssen, som förväntades invadera ’vilken dag som helst’..!! — Jag har faktiskt min bricka kvar – men kan inte tänka mig att den kan komma till användning ..i alla fall inte av rädsla för Ryssen!!
Däremot blir jag mer och mer orolig över mina barnbarns barns framtid. Hur deras värld kommer att se ut – om vår elake ’storebror i väster’ fortsätter på sin inslagna hotfulla väg.
Att gå med i NATO är inte rätt väg för Sverige!
Ett par år innan den av Agneta nämnda bokens innehåll skrevs pågick en vansinnig amerikansk planering av att provocera fram kärnvapenkrig. Boktitel Bara spadarna räcker, Reagan Bush och kärnvapenkriget av Robert Scheer. 1983 (orig 1982)
Daniel Ellsberg s.39.(Jag har vad jag vet inte skrivit om några massor).Jag citerar hela stycket: ..the Soviets will recall that the U.S. Strategic Air Command was established in early 1946 with the function of delivering nuclear attacks upon Russia when so directed, a time when it was publicly proclaimed by the president and high military that the Soviet Union was not expected to possess operational nuclear weapons systems for a decade or longer……It is not the Russians but the rest of us who need to learn these hidden realities of the nuclear dimension to U.S. foreign policy.
Om Daniel Ellsberg: He served as a strategic analyst at Rand Corporation(1954-64), consultant to the department of Defence in 1965. He returned to Rand in 1967 where he worked on Secretary of Defence McNamara´s study of U.S. decision-making in Vietnam, more popularly known as the Pentagon Papers. Since his trial for sharing The Pentagon Papers with the American People, he has been a leading peace activist.
Tack för en mycket belysande artikel!
Betr. Agneta Norbergs: ”Vi i Sverige utsattes för ett veritabelt bombardemang av falska påståenden att Ryssen stod beredd att anfalla.”
..så kan jag tillägga att alla barn i min hemby i sydöstra Skåne fick, på 50-talet, en rostfri namnbricka och halskedja med våra namn, hemadress och födelsedatum på. Dessa skulle vi ha på oss dygnet runt. Vi var livrädda för ’den lede fi’, den hemske Ryssen, som förväntades invadera ’vilken dag som helst’..!! — Jag har faktiskt min bricka kvar – men kan inte tänka mig att den kan komma till användning ..i alla fall inte av rädsla för Ryssen!!
Däremot blir jag mer och mer orolig över mina barnbarns barns framtid. Hur deras värld kommer att se ut – om vår elake ’storebror i väster’ fortsätter på sin inslagna hotfulla väg.
Att gå med i NATO är inte rätt väg för Sverige!
Ett par år innan den av Agneta nämnda bokens innehåll skrevs pågick en vansinnig amerikansk planering av att provocera fram kärnvapenkrig. Boktitel Bara spadarna räcker, Reagan Bush och kärnvapenkriget av Robert Scheer. 1983 (orig 1982)
USA hade jobbigt nog att få ihop klyvbart material till de två bomberna över Japan.
Att de hade massor med atombomber redan 1946 stämmer helt enkelt inte.
Sant är att Churchill ville fortsätta mot Moskva för att göra slut på Bolsjevismen en gång för alla, med atombomber om möjligt.
Detta stoppades naturligtvis av USA och Churchills politiska bana avslutades tämligen abrupt.
Daniel Ellsberg s.39.(Jag har vad jag vet inte skrivit om några massor).Jag citerar hela stycket: ..the Soviets will recall that the U.S. Strategic Air Command was established in early 1946 with the function of delivering nuclear attacks upon Russia when so directed, a time when it was publicly proclaimed by the president and high military that the Soviet Union was not expected to possess operational nuclear weapons systems for a decade or longer……It is not the Russians but the rest of us who need to learn these hidden realities of the nuclear dimension to U.S. foreign policy.
Om Daniel Ellsberg: He served as a strategic analyst at Rand Corporation(1954-64), consultant to the department of Defence in 1965. He returned to Rand in 1967 where he worked on Secretary of Defence McNamara´s study of U.S. decision-making in Vietnam, more popularly known as the Pentagon Papers. Since his trial for sharing The Pentagon Papers with the American People, he has been a leading peace activist.
Thank you, thank you so much Mr Wärnström for this excellent article. Most people here in Australia are as deluded as in your country. Keep up your good work!
Vi måste lära av historien vilken roll Sverige har spelat. 1945 låg Sovjetunionen i spillror efter nazisternas härjningar i landet. 70.000 byar var brända, 10 stora städer sönderbombade. Vad gjorde USA redan 1946? Ja, US Air Force´ kärnvapenbestyckade bombplan, stod klara på flygbasen Mildenhall, i Storbritannien, för att på given order bomba Moskva. USAs strategi var att tvinga Sovjetunionen att satsa allt de hade på militär upprustning. Vi i Sverige utsattes för ett veritabelt bombardemang av falska påståenden att Ryssen stod beredd att anfalla. Jag var 15 år när det kalla kriget nr.1 startade i början av 50-talet. Jag minns det mycket väl. Jag har lovat mig själv att aldrig mer gå på massmedias lögner.
PS.Läs gärna Daniel Ellsberg, Call to Mutiny. Han var strategisk analytiker vid Pentagon, men lämnade Pentagon 1967, på grund av USAs ohyggligheter i Vietnam.
Boken heter The Deadly Connection, Nuclear War & U.S.Intervention, edited by Dr. Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committé,1986.
USA hade jobbigt nog att få ihop klyvbart material till de två bomberna över Japan.
Att de hade massor med atombomber redan 1946 stämmer helt enkelt inte.
Sant är att Churchill ville fortsätta mot Moskva för att göra slut på Bolsjevismen en gång för alla, med atombomber om möjligt.
Detta stoppades naturligtvis av USA och Churchills politiska bana avslutades tämligen abrupt.
Thank you, thank you so much Mr Wärnström for this excellent article. Most people here in Australia are as deluded as in your country. Keep up your good work!
Vi måste lära av historien vilken roll Sverige har spelat. 1945 låg Sovjetunionen i spillror efter nazisternas härjningar i landet. 70.000 byar var brända, 10 stora städer sönderbombade. Vad gjorde USA redan 1946? Ja, US Air Force´ kärnvapenbestyckade bombplan, stod klara på flygbasen Mildenhall, i Storbritannien, för att på given order bomba Moskva. USAs strategi var att tvinga Sovjetunionen att satsa allt de hade på militär upprustning. Vi i Sverige utsattes för ett veritabelt bombardemang av falska påståenden att Ryssen stod beredd att anfalla. Jag var 15 år när det kalla kriget nr.1 startade i början av 50-talet. Jag minns det mycket väl. Jag har lovat mig själv att aldrig mer gå på massmedias lögner.
PS.Läs gärna Daniel Ellsberg, Call to Mutiny. Han var strategisk analytiker vid Pentagon, men lämnade Pentagon 1967, på grund av USAs ohyggligheter i Vietnam.
Boken heter The Deadly Connection, Nuclear War & U.S.Intervention, edited by Dr. Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committé,1986.