Nio bra böcker om propaganda i media – NewsVoice tipsar

Torbjörn Sassersson är grundare av NewsVoice som startade 2011. Torbjörn har arbetat inom media sedan 1995. Han har en fil kand (1992) inom miljövård från Stockholms Universitet. Stöd hans arbete genom en direktdonation via Paypal.
publicerad 24 april 2016
- Torbjörn Sassersson

Torbjörn SasserssonFör att förstå de pågående handelskrigen, hybridkrigen och propagandakrigen mellan stater, ekonomiska regioner och mot allmänheten tipsar NewsVoice om böcker skrivna av några av de mest insatta experterna på propaganda.

Intro: Torbjörn Sassersson, red NewsVoice | Text (nedan): Amazon

Reclaiming Your Mind from PropagandaWhy Are We the Good Guys? Reclaiming Your Mind from the Delusions of Propaganda

David Cromwell, 2012 (boken finns på

”One of the unspoken assumptions of the Western world is that we are great defenders of human rights, a free press and the benefits of market economics. Mistakes might be made along the way, perhaps even tragic errors of judgement such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

But the prevailing view is that the West is essentially a force for good in the wider world. Why Are We The Good Guys? is a provocative challenge of this false ideology.”

”The powerful evidence-based analysis of current affairs is leavened by some of the formative experiences that led the author to question the basic myth of Western benevolence…”

Propaganda Power and PersuasionPropaganda: Power and Persuasion

David Welch, 2013 (boken finns på

”Propaganda is all around us, used to promote a sense of common cause and belonging, change behaviour or influence ideas, as well as to mislead, deceive, even destroy.”

”Using universal themes of conflict, public education, protest and leadership, this book, which accompanies a major new exhibition at the British Library, takes a close look at the range of propaganda used by different states – and their opponents.”

”…the book’s primary focus is the 20th and 21st centuries, taking a worldwide view.”

Media Control - Spectacular Achievements of PropagandaMedia Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda

Noam Chomsky, 2008 (boken finns på

”Chomsky’s classic back-pocket primer on US government propaganda and media bias is the Open Media Pamphlet Series’s best-selling title of all time, with more than 100,000 copies in print. Arguably more important now than ever, this newly expanded edition furthers Chomsky’s analysis with his January 2002 comments regarding media coverage of terrorism and US foreign policy in the post-September 11 world.”

The PersuadersThe Persuaders: The hidden industry that wants to change your mind

James Garvey, 2016 (boken finns på

”Every day, many people will try to change your mind, but they won’t reason with you. Instead, you’ll be nudged, anchored, incentivised and manipulated in barely noticeable ways. It’s a profound shift in the way we interact with one another.

Philosopher James Garvey explores the hidden story of persuasion and the men and women in the business of changing our minds. From the covert PR used to start the first Gulf War to the neuromarketing of products to appeal to our unconscious minds, he reveals the dark arts practised by professional persuaders.”

Flat Earth News - Falsehood Distortion Propaganda in Global MediaFlat Earth News

Nick Davies, 2009 (boken finns på

”An award-winning reporter exposes falsehood, distortion and propaganda in the global media.”


”Important, vital, urgent” (Financial Times)

”Meticulous, fair-minded and utterly gripping” (Sam Leith Daily Telegraph)

”If you read newspapers, you MUST read this book” (John Humphrys)

”A must-read for anyone worried about journalism – which, on this analysis, should be everyone” (Ian Hislop)

”Powerful and timely…his analysis is fair, meticulously researched and fascinating” (Observer)

Manufacturing ConsentManufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Edward S Herman och Noam Chomsky, 1998 (boken finns på

Contrary to the usual image of the press as cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitous in its search for truth, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky depict how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets of the news. They skilfully dissect the way in which the marketplace and the economics of publishing significantly shape the news. They reveal how issues are framed and topics chosen, and contrast the double standards underlying accounts of free elections, a free press, and governmental repression…”

”What emerges from this groundbreaking work is an account of just how propagandistic our mass media are, and how we can learn to read them and see their function in a radically new way.”

SpinfluenceSpinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual For Controlling The Masses

Nick McFarlane, 2013 (boken finns på

”Spinfluence will appeal to crooked politicians, media manipulators and corporate big-wigs alike, in fact anyone interested in how to exploit people for profit or power. Covering fun techniques and tactics such as emotional hijacking, brainwashing and hysteria harnessing.”

”Spinfluence is a glorious and insightful read about how to bend the truth and subvert the will of the herd.”

Why America Fights - War PropagandaWhy America Fights: Patriotism and War Propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq

Susan A. Brewer, 2011 (boken finns på

”In Why America Fights, Brewer offers a fascinating history of how successive presidents have conducted what Donald Rumsfeld calls ”perception management,” from McKinley’s war in the Philippines to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Her intriguing account ranges from analyses of wartime messages to descriptions of the actual operations, from the dissemination of patriotic ads and posters to the management of newspaper, radio, and TV media.”

What Orwell Didnt KnowWhat Orwell Didn’t Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics

Andras Szanto, 2007 (boken finns på

”…framed in pithy, focused essays, range far and wide: from the effect of television and computing, to the vast expansion of knowledge about how our brains respond to symbolic messages, to the merger of journalism and entertainment, to lessons learned during and after a half-century of totalitarianism.

Together, they paint a portrait of a political culture in which propaganda and mind control are alive and well (albeit in forms and places that would have surprised Orwell). The pieces in this anthology sound alarm bells about the manipulation and misinformation in today’s politics, and offer guideposts for a journalism attuned to Orwellian tendencies in the 21st century.”

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Tags: propaganda
  • (Tips från Sofia, tack! Men posta inte enbart en länk, addera helst rubrik och ett citat/ingress från artikeln du vill länka till. Se nedan. /red)


    SVT Opinion: ”Falsk ryktesspridning portar Nya Tider från bokmässan”

    YTTRANDEFRIHET· ”Nu är Nya Tider alltså portad från Bokmässan. På grund av ett drev som sattes i gång med hjälp av falsk ryktesspridning grundad på en lögn från en av Sveriges i särklass mest antidemokratiska organisationer, Expo”, skriver Perra Winberg.”

    (Ett problem är att de som kommenterar på nätet dock inte kan komma åt redigeringsmöjligheterna dvs att kunna skapa citatindrag, feta och länka text.)

  • Ja jag instämmer med LJJ här. Det är ju något alldeles oerhört det som sker i vårt land, när det gäller propagandan i medierna. Vårt land är i praktiken under ockupation. De styrande politikerna och medierna, public service såväl som de privatägda, är lydiga och pålitliga hantlangare och megafoner åt USA. De som har som yrke att studera medierna borde reagera och skrika i högan sky!

  • @Gamma

    Det hörs ju inte ett pip av ifrågasättande av någonting överhuvudtaget från universitetsstuderande i den offentliga debatten. Så varför i hela världen skulle vi slösa tid på att läsa deras kursböcker?

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