Donald Trump fortsätter bekämpa trafficking

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publicerad 13 juli 2017
- NewsVoice redaktion
Donald Trump - Foto: Skidmore, Wikimedia

Donald Trump har i skuggan av de medier som öppet hatar Trump arbetat intensivt med att komma till rätta med mänsklig trafficking i USA. Under flera månader har i USA 1000-tals personer gripits, vilka är inblandade i trafficking och organiserad pedofili, tack vare detta initiativ.

Igår meddelade Trump via Vita Husets hemsida:

Donald Trump bekämpar trafficking
Trump from Donald Trump Twitter

My Administration is focused on ending the horrific practice of human trafficking, and the three bills the House of Representatives passed today are important steps forward.

Since taking office, I have met with courageous survivors, non-profit groups, and faith leaders who are devoting tremendous energy to raising awareness about human trafficking.

I am hopeful that the Senate will take up and pass these three bills as soon as possible and I look forward to my continued work with the Congress on this important issue.”


White House Press Office (12 juli 2017): Statement from President Donald J. Trump on the Passage of H.R. 2664, H.R. 2480, and H.R. 2200

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