Det påstås att nästan 80% av amerikaner anser att massmedier sprider falska nyheter enligt studie publicerad 2018. Stämmer det?
- InfoWars (2 april 2018): Poll confirms 77% think ”traditional” media is fake news
- Washington Times (2 april 2018): Over 70 percent of Americans see media as ‘fake news,’ a Monmouth University poll shows
Bedömning och referenser bedömer att påståendet är korrekt. Det baseras på studien från Monmouth University i News Jersey, USA, som utförde en enkätundersökning, vilken publixerades på universitetets hemsida den 2:a april 2018 med rubriken: ”‘Fake News’ Threat to Media; Editorial Decisions, Outside Actors at Fault”.
I publiceringen slås fast att:
”More than 3-in-4 Americans believe that traditional major TV and newspaper media outlets report “fake news,” including 31% who believe this happens regularly and 46% who say it happens occasionally. The 77% who believe fake news reporting happens at least occasionally has increased significantly from 63% of the public who felt that way last year.
Just 25% say the term “fake news” applies only to stories where the facts are wrong. Most Americans (65%), on the other hand, say that “fake news” also applies to how news outlets make editorial decisions about what they choose to report.”