Fd överste Lawrence Wilkerson tror ej på kemattack mot Douma – Newsvoice.com

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publicerad 9 maj 2018
- NewsVoice redaktion
Överste Lawrence Wilkerson - Foto: Wikimedia GNU Free Doc License 1.2

Newsvoice.com som är en helt annan mediasatsning än NewsVoice.se har intervjuat fd överste Lawrence Wilkerson som tidigare arbetat för Colin Powell. Han anser inte att det inträffade en kemisk attack i Douma den 7 april i Syrien.


”In our podcast we talk with influential people within politics and media, free thinkers, activists and people that want to make a difference. We bring you the voices and stories that are too often left out of the mainstream media.

In one of our latest episodes we spoke with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell. He is telling us his view of the recent alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, and why he thinks it didn’t take place.”

By NewsVoice.se

Överste Lawrence Wilkerson - Foto: Wikimedia GNU Free Doc License 1.2
Överste Lawrence Wilkerson – Foto: Wikimedia, GNU Free Doc License 1.2

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