Scientists call for better protection from wireless radiation exposure

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publicerad 2 november 2018
- NewsVoice redaktion
5G transmittors. Bromma, Beckomberga, Sweden

EMFCALL.ORG: Scientists and NGO:s call for better protection from Exposure to radiation from Wireless Technology. 157 scientists and medical doctors together with 86 non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) from all over the world are calling for more protective limits for exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies. In a joint statement, THE EMF CALL, they conclude that the ICNIRP guidelines are unscientific and do not protect against harmful health effects including cancer.

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) issued draft Guidelines on 11:th July 2018 for limiting exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (EMF) (100 kHz to 300 GHz). The guidelines are inadequate to protect humans and the environment, as they only protect against acute thermal effects from very short and intense exposure. They do not protect against cancer, reproductive harm, or effects on the nervous system, although the preponderance of the peer-reviewed research has found adverse effects from chronic exposure at intensities below the ICNIRP limits.

In May, 2011, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), concluded that radiofrequency radiation in the frequency range 30 kHz–300 GHz is a “possible” human carcinogen (Group 2B). However, the ICNIRP ignores this as well as the increasing evidence in recent years for carcinogenicity.

The scientists and the NGO’s demand the development and adoption of new medical guidelines that represent the state of medical science and that are truly protective of human health and the environment.  The scientists and medical doctors, selected to review the scientific literature and propose new radiofrequency radiation safety guidelines, must be free of conflicts of interest including direct and indirect ties to industry.

Professor David Carpenter, Director at the Institute for Health and the Environment, University of Albany, USA notes that:

David Carpenter- Press photo: University of Albany
David Carpenter- Press photo: University of Albany

”The evidence for harm from both 50/60 Hz EMFs and radiofrequency exposures is strong in both human and animal studies.  There are associations between increasing exposure not only with cancer, but also with adverse reproductive outcomes in both males and females, adverse effects on cognitive function and behavior and increased risk of development of the syndrome of electro-hypersensitivity. We must find ways of reducing human exposure in order to reduce the incidence of human disease.”

Lennart Hardell, Swedish oncologist with long-term research in this area says:

Lennart Hardell
Lennart Hardell

”The roll-out of 5G, the fifth generation of telecommunication technology will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Thus, in addition to the urgent need for new guidelines on current exposure a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G should be implemented.”

Dr Joel Moskowitz, from the School of Public Health, University of California, USA points out that the EMF CALL re-iterates the concerns raised by the scientific community in the International EMF Scientist Appeal about the harm caused by chronic exposure to low-intensity EMF:

”The Appeal, which has been signed by more than 240 scientists who have published over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on EMF and biology or health, calls for strengthening of EMF guidelines, especially to protect children and pregnant women.”

For more information about the Appeal:

According to Dr Gerd Oberfeld, from the Salzburg Public Health Department, Austria, the world has too long relied on incomplete EMF exposure guidelines:

Dr Gerd Oberfeld - Press photo
Dr Gerd Oberfeld – Press photo

”The body of scientific evidence for detrimental health effects from EMF exposure is overwhelming. There is now even no need to call the precautionary principle into play to take action. It is the duty of scientists to inform the public and the duty of the public to force governments to apply new truly protective EMF exposure guidelines as well as to educate the society how to reduce EMF exposures.”

Press release:

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Tags: EMF Call
  • ECNRR Committee hereby establishes Basic Safety Standard for Exposure to Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation up to 2Gz frequency.

    1. No adult shall be exposed to more than 50 Nrads per annum of non-ionising radiation of frequency below and including 2GHz.

    2. No adult shall be exposed to more than 0.14 Nrad per 24 h day.

    3. No teenager the age of 12-19y shall be exposed to more than 10 Nrad per annum of non-ionising radiation of frequency below and including 2GHz. This dose is even suggested for adult parents before consumption.

    4. No teenager the age of 12-19y shall be exposed to more than 0.03 Nrad per 24 h day. This dose is even suggested for adult potential parents.

    5. No child the age of 6-12y shall be exposed to more than 5 Nrad per annum of non-ionising radiation of frequency below and including 2GHz.

    6. No child the age of 6-12y or pregnant woman shall be exposed to more than 0.014 Nrad per 24 h day.

    7. No child below 6y should be exposed in any way and all inevitable exposures must be kept as low as reasonably achievable.

    8. For the purposes of calculation these limits refer to all sources combined.

    9. The Recommended Dose Limits are tabulated for convenience in the tables.

    For higher frequencies download the document with the table on

  • It’s good to see a movement of scientists who are truly concerned with people’s wellbeing. However big Telecom and govt agencies are giving them a tough time, mainly because without telecom there is no commerce. I hope mankind can fix this issue!

  • Så här mycket för högt är det gränsvärde som nu denna frontorganisation för industrin, ICNIRP, vill konservera för de kommande årens massökning av mikrovågsstrålning genom 5G. Fundera på om det är rimligt att vi nöjer oss med ett så uppenbart föråldrat och otillräckligt skydd mot strålningsrisker. Fundera på om det verkligen kan vara så att så många vetenskapsmän och forskare och läkare kan ha fel, när de protesterar mot detta skyhöga gränsvärde. Se diagrammet här.

  • Forskare gjorde ett experiment där de la en påslagen mobiltelefon under äggkammaren till en myrkoloni. Då flyttade myrorna på äggen och började sen använda området som toalett. Telekomindustrin förtjänar myrpiss.

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