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Ex Diplomat: What the Covid-19 Agenda is Designed to Achieve

Jens Jerndal, 2019 Jens Jerndal (1934-2024), nationalekonom och statsvetare, tidigare förste kanslisekreterare i UD, förste ambassadsekreterare och chargé d´affaires a.i. i Pakistan, professor i holistisk medicin vid Open International University of Complementary Medicines i Sri Lanka. Egen företagare i Spanien och Argentina. Författare och föredragshållare. Styrelseordförande i partiet Enhet.
publicerad 12 augusti 2020
- Jens Jerndal
Jens Jerndal, 2014. Pressfoto: partiet Enhet.se

Never before in the history of Humanity have entire countries – let alone the whole planet – been paralyzed, causing a complete collapse of the World Community’s economy and most normal functions. This is a global terrorist act, and it’s costing trillions of dollars, affecting billions of people and taking many more lives than the spurious virus used as pretext for it. WHO is responsible?

By Jens Jerndal, Economist & Political Scientist, former 1st Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Chargé d´Affaires a.i. of Sweden in Pakistan, former Professor of Holistic Medicine (OIUCM), former Board Chairman of the Swedish political party Enhet, author and lecturer. | #Covid1984

The number of deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 in 2020 has finally settled within the same low numbers as the last several years, when we only had normal seasonal influenzas with no need for lockdowns or other extraordinary measures.  And this in spite of the documented, mandated over-reporting of Covid-19 deaths this year. Yet, the official lockdowns continue in many countries.

And what about the dangerous fear and panic, intentionally orchestrated by mainstream media? – How come they all report the same lies? – Who is issuing the marching orders and paying the pipers?

Japan and Thailand, with no decreed lockdown, are among those with the fewest deaths, while countries with strict lockdowns have been the worst affected. Which proves that the entire contrived panic, and all the devastating measures imposed on the world were uncalled for and based on conscious lies, or at best free speculation and wishful thinking.

In Tokyo, a crowded city with over 9.300.000 inhabitants, only 333 deaths from Covid-19 were recorded up to August 2nd. All of Japan with 127 million inhabitants had only 1.018 Corona deaths. With no lockdown!

Thailand has fared even better. Bangkok, also a compact city with a population of 8.3 million, has had a total of 24 deaths as of August 5th!  With 70.000.000 inhabitants in all, the entire country has only reported 58 Covid-19 deaths. No lockdown, but closed borders for foreigners from March 26.

Recently it became publicly known that high risk research on viruses had been performed at Fort Detrick, the American military´s biological weapon laboratory, in cooperation with the corresponding Chinese institution in Wuhan. However, due to security concerns, the activity at Fort Detrick was closed a few years ago. At that point Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the department of allergies and infectious disease at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), secretly moved the dangerous Corona virus research to China, by funding the Wuhan and other high security Chinese labs, to the tune of several million dollars of US tax money.

China was also invited to send a representative to Event 201, the “war games” Bill Gates organized on October 18, 2019 in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum, to rehearse what to do in case of exactly the kind of pandemic that began only weeks later in Wuhan, China.

And now, since at least March 2020, certain US and Chinese sources have been accusing each other reciprocally of having let loose the virus that is said to cause Covid-19.

In a previous report about the Covid-19 plandemic, published on February 7th, I mentioned the opinion of Dr. James Lyons-Weiler of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in the USA, that the new virus said to cause Covid-19 showed signs of having been genetically modified through a vector technology, which would mean that it was created or modified in a laboratory.

Since then, I have become aware of several other scientists, among them Professor Nikolai Petrovsky of the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. in Australia, who claims to have investigated the virus and come to the same conclusion. Of special interest is that his team found that the virus binds to human cells more potently than any of the tested animal species.

Another scientist with an even firmer claim that Covid-19 is not natural in origin, is Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen.  He found that the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted, and that the virus had been doctored to bind to humans. He points out that it has hardly mutated since it began to infect humans, suggesting that it was already fully adapted to humans.

Luc Montagnier

Even Luc Montagnier who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for inventing the HIV, has expressed his opinion that the virus supposed to cause Covid-19 has been created in a Chinese lab. However, he does not believe it was released on purpose, but by accident.

Incidentally, the entire science of virology is a quagmire of interpretations, suppositions, data simulations, and dubious correlations, since nobody has as yet managed to perfectly isolate and purify a supposed virus. And therefore, no totally secure test method exists either. Which in turn means that many of those diagnosed with Covid-19 may in fact have had a regular seasonal flu, or any other respiratory disease.

I can’t help feeling that on some level the US and China have been effectively cooperating on the launch and management of the Corona plandemic. So what´s the common denominator? – I have a hunch it may be young Big Tech controlling information and communication technology, in an unholy alliance with old Big Finance, controlling all monetary operations.

Together, they control an all-pervasive, invisible world wide web of communication, somewhat like a mycelium, infiltrating nearly everything.  Its purpose will be to stealthily build secure invisible foundations for the one World Government of what we now know as The New World Order.

Crypto-currencies and the blockchain technology are also parts of the evolving cashless society with 5G senders and face recognition cameras on every block to keep track of and control every electronically chipped person. Did you really think George Orwell was writing fiction in his book 1984? –  It’s just got updated and improved since then!

After all, any conspiracy aiming at controlling the entire planet, has to come to some kind of terms with all power factors, including China and Russia. So we had better stop thinking in terms of just the Deep State in the USA, and much less in terms of Left versus Right, or Democrats versus Republicans, Blacks versus Whites, or West versus East. Those are all artificially fanned conflicts according to the age-old maxim “Divide and Rule”.

Now we are dealing with a whole different level of comprehensive invisible power, that has been hiding in plain view, waiting to sneak up on us from behind. They intend to catch us unaware with an electronic Jack in the Box surprise, to take full control before we have a chance to react and organize.

Just a handful of tech-savvy psychopaths now have the power to control all the rest of us with a touch of a button. Unless we draw a definitive line NOW to protect our physical integrity, never forgetting that radiation is invisible, yet can be overwhelmingly powerful.

It’s helpful to remember that we are already far into the new Aquarian Paradigm which makes it impossible to keep anything secret for very long. Everything will become public knowledge, sooner or later. Transparency is one of the most prominent features of the Aquarian Paradigm. We now see proof of this all the time. One recent example of this inescapable Aquarian transparency is the revelations around “Pizzagate”, the arrest and death of Jeffrey Epstein, and a lot of corruption and mafia practices on the highest levels of political and financial power.

An important participant in the launch tactics for the plandemic has been Professor Neil Ferguson at the Imperial College in London. He was paid by the Gates Foundation or the WHO to develop computer models of the probable spread of the various “pandemics”, such as SARS and MERS, and now Covid-19.  Supposedly to work out containment and mitigation strategies. His numbers have been the principal foundation for the panic propaganda.

Then look at how far from reality Ferguson´s predictions have been every time:  For instance, in 2005 Ferguson declared that the so called bird flu could cause 200 million deaths worldwide. The real figure turned out to be just a few hundred. In 2009 Ferguson´s models predicted that 65.000 people could die from the so-called swine flu only in Great Britain. The final figure was only around 500.

However, his blown-up numbers have served to make governments buy vaccines for billions of dollars with taxpayer money every time. Vaccines that destroyed the lives of more people than the number who supposedly fell ill with the virus. And provided a bonanza for the pharmaceutical industry. And for the condescending politicians and health bureaucrats?

We now know that in some countries, especially Italy and America, the health authorities have ordered doctors and hospitals to declare Covid-19 to be the cause of death of patients, even if it was obvious that they died from another cause.  It’s important to understand that the tests used are simple Antibody or PCR tests with an acknowledged error margin of up to 80%. The test will react to a previous, overcome infection with Covid-19, and it will also react to many infectious agents other than the Covid-19 virus. In other words, the tests are useless for identifying Covid-19 from other similar infections.

In the US, hospitals and physicians have even been paid large amounts of money for just writing Covid-19 on the death certificate. And yet, even with this documented massive over-reporting, the actual death figures this year for all causes have turned out to be within the same low range as most previous annual flu seasons, when no panic was created, and no lockdown, nor any other disruptive measures were undertaken. 

Do you really believe those who ordered the world closed down, did it to postpone the death of a few very old and very sick people for a matter of months, or even years? – As if they could care less! –They want most of us dead anyway. And the fact is that the lockdown is causing far more deaths than the virus ever could. Now you see it, now you don´t. It’s called “sleight of hand” – or simply deceit! 

No, they have a very different motive for imposing lockdown during this monumental scam. It’s a kind of rehearsal or test balloon to see how far they can go, and how easily the world population can be manipulated and made to obey even the most absurd commands. You’ve got to admit they´ve been successful beyond belief!

They want to furtively introduce a global technological-military dictatorship known as the New World Order (NWO). And trick us all into accepting being 100% controlled and under the boot of this new class of global overlords.

How can we explain that nearly every so called sovereign country – most claiming to be democracies – obeyed the command to lock down the entire country at the drop of a word from an international health agency, or on clue from another country, just imitating it? – Without consulting its own population or making its own research and deliberations about the tremendous long-term consequences and mind-blowing costs that they are causing. Is that proof that we already have a covert world government, and WE THE PEOPLE haven´t even noticed it?

The original plan was to launch the New World Order via the UN Agenda 21, introduced at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. That conference was organized on the initiative of David Rockefeller by Canadian oil magnate and UN diplomat Maurice Strong, often referred to as David Rockefeller´s “right hand”.

Agenda 21 was followed in 2015 by Agenda 2030, and the Global Warming scare. However, it seems they haven´t been making sufficiently fast progress, so now they are using fake global pandemics as a more compelling scenario to impress the need for a global government with far-reaching powers. To be complemented with vaccines, electronic communication implants, and the new microwave communication technology called 5G.

The NWO promoters have practiced for many years now, launching maybe a dozen fake and mostly failed ”pandemics” since the first one I know of, the HIV scam, launched in 1984. The HIV Holocaust is estimated to have caused some 30 million deaths, about 5 times as many as the much lamented Nazi holocaust during WW2.

The vast majority of deaths attributed to AIDS were in fact directly caused by the psychological terror whipped up, combined with the lethal AZT drug pushed on those tricked into taking a totally fraudulent test yielding masses of false positives. That was the first and so far most successful exercise in selective reduction of the world population, presided over by the very same Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is today busy pushing the lockdown and trying to stop and outlaw any remedies that actually work.

Today the strategy is to first put enough fear into us to make the entire world population accept a fake “vaccine” as a second step. The purpose of that vaccine is to genetically modify us and implant electromagnetic nano technology into every one of us.

The third step of this strategy is none other than 5G, sold us with promises of faster downloads of movies, self-driving cars, and the Internet of Things (IoT). While hiding the devastating long-term effects on all life that 5G will have, and which the CIA and the military have had knowledge of for several decades but kept secret.

With this combination they will control the life, death, health and mind of every man, women and child on the planet, 100%.

Do you trust Big Tech, Big Pharma, the CIA and your politicians enough to give them full control over your body, mind, health, life and death? – I am not exaggerating – that´s what it comes to.

If the NWO people get away with this, it’s likely to result in a drastic reduction of the population, and the enslavement and robotization of the few remaining people our rulers consider useful. And please note that there is nothing theoretical about this. This plan has been amply, if piecemeal, documented since more than half a century by many of the most powerful and influential political figures in the USA, belonging to what we now call ”the Deep State”. This documentation consists of very many bits and pieces of information from different related sources over time, and for the consistent picture to emerge in all clarity, it’s necessary to connect a number of dots. It’s therefore impossible to offer a comprehensive list of references in this article. But I assure you that the picture is clear enough.

5G microwave technology has been known and tested secretly by the military for several decades. It can be used for crowd control and to paralyze or kill an enemy. To claim that there is no evidence for its negative effects on human health is a gross lie. And it’s not only humans who are affected. This radiation is a mortal threat to ALL life on our planet. 

An important aspect to keep in mind is the ecological one. For instance, how the entire ”Plant Kingdom” that forms the basis of the food cycle for all animal life, depends on bees and insects for reproduction and survival. Bees and other pollinators are not only vulnerable to toxic chemicals but also to electromagnetic radiation.

Recently an illegal and unacceptable censorship has been imposed by the Big Tech arm of the NWO conspiracy. It’s been obvious throughout mainstream media for many years already, and since 5G and Covid-19 began to occupy focus of attention, all centrally controlled social media channels, such as YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo etc. have begun to censor everything that goes against the narrative imposed by the NWO conspirators.  That´s why they have also launched a campaign declaring every fact to be ”fake news” if they consider it threatening to their agenda.  Obviously, this can be very confusing for unsuspecting consumers of mainstream news.

Furthermore, any mention of 5G, or of the dangers of vaccines, or even the name of certain truth-tellers or whistle-blowers, is now automatically removed from the Internet by algorithms. They are afraid that enough people will wake up before they have succeeded in tricking the rest of us into an electronic, physical and mental straight-jacket from which there is no escape.  

From now on, all who allow themselves to be vaccinated, are giving up their physical and mental integrity. They can no longer remain independent conscious individuals with a free will and a tolerably dignified existence. Provided they even survive.

The Corona virus by itself is no threat to human lives. 5G is, by itself, and especially in combination with the virus. Influenzas and colds are an inevitable part of normal human life, and actually a symptom of our bodies detoxifying. Treated properly, they even strengthen our immune system, long term.

The first thing to do in order to protect and strengthen the immune system, is to avoid all vaccines and poisonous drugs masquerading as remedies. Also, all kinds of pesticides and other poisonous chemicals. These, along with unhealthy industrially produced foods, are the main reasons why the immune system of most people today has lost its ability to protect us against health hazards of all kinds, and why so many people now suffer auto-immune diseases.  

Precisely during the Covid-19 “plandemic” it has turned out that those who fared worst and were the first to die, were the oldest people in nursing homes routinely prescribed a collection of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, including statins, that destroy every bit they may have had left of a normal immune system.

The immune system is actually our only effective defense against illness, especially viruses and cancer. It so happens that all microwave radiation has a destructive effect on our immune system, and 5G far more so than previous generations of the technology.

A weakened immune system makes us extremely vulnerable to health problems of all kinds. Projected at specific frequencies, 5G can cause illness, and also directly kill us, for instance by making it impossible for the blood of targeted individuals to absorb enough oxygen from the air. And this is exactly what some doctors have noticed happening with victims of Covid-19, both in China, in Italy and in the US. 5G is a weapon system invented to control the enemy or violent crowds.

There are several effective treatments that have been used in Asia to cure Covid-19, and even by a few independent doctors in Europe and the USA, but WHO, the US Health authorities under Dr. Fauci, and Big Pharma are working around the clock to prohibit and stop the use of such treatments. Even publishing fake studies pretending they are dangerous. They want to establish the credo that there is no cure, and the only solution is a vaccine.

The truth is there is no need for a real normal vaccine for Covid-19. It would not even be meaningful, because the virus is believed to mutate very fast, and the vaccine when available would no longer be able to target the virus circulating by then. Remember, the flu vaccine has to be changed every year, and even so, it may only be effective on a third or so of those who are getting it. While at the same time a considerable number of those vaccinated experience serious adverse events, that often permanently ruin their lives.

A side story to this is that a contributing reason for the lockdown causing a collapse of the economy and the normal functions of society, is to cause President Trump to lose the coming elections.  It´s been noted that Dr. Fauci about 3 years ago, when Trump had just unexpectedly been elected, predicted as a certainty, that he would have to face a devastating pandemic during his presidency. How would he know?

Trump is not part of the globalist “Deep State” and “New World Order” and more independent than any other president since Kennedy, so he has been an unforeseen problem for the real power behind the scenes. As everybody knows, the Democratic Party has tried every dirty trick trying to impeach him, but without success so far. I assume he must have proof of something really devastating for his globalist enemies, that is set to be automatically released if he dies, or he would have been assassinated long ago.

It would seem that Trump has not been very clear on how to understand and deal with the Corona crisis. He is of course surrounded by powerful enemies, that he may mistake for friends. Such as Dr. Fauci. And the most influential mainstream media will do everything in their power to hurt and harm his image, since they are controlled by the globalist NWO people. Except Fox News.

Trump has shown some positive initiatives, such as recommend Hydroxychloroquine. Even if it is far from a perfect remedy, it´s better than nothing and has saved many lives when set in early. There are better alternatives, one of which is Budesonide, an inhaler for asthma, best used as a nebulizer, rather than inhaler. Applied correctly and in time, this cheap and readily available remedy has resolved breathing problems in Covid-19 patients and saved many lives. Yet another proven effective remedy is ChlorDioxide. But the US health authorities with Dr. Fauci, working for Big Pharma and Bill Gates, are doing everything in their power to stop patients from being helped by existing cheap, life-saving treatments and remedies.

As for the effect of already existing (non-GMO) vaccines, it was found that in Italy those who had been vaccinated against the seasonal flu with the latest vaccine during a recent mandatory mass vaccination, made up an unproportionately large part of the deaths, attributed to Covid-19. Those vaccinations have been identified as one of the main reasons Italy experienced so many deaths, not that Covid-19 as such is particularly contagious or deadly.

According to the prominent independent Italian doctor Antoinetta Gatti, the present Italian government has sold the country to Big Pharma, passing unconstitutional laws mandating no less than ten compulsory vaccinations for every child. She is pleading for help from other countries, to help the Italian people escape this politically imposed death trap. This also fits in with Italy being the first western country to close its borders and shut down the entire economy, soon to be followed by most other countries.

The literally blood-curdling Corona Conspiracy is by far the most impacting and dangerous one ever set in motion in the history of Humanity. But the virus as such is the least dangerous part. It is the combination of a GMO-vaccine and 5G radiation, that has the potential to change our DNA, and even end all life on Earth. Obviously, the instigators are fully aware of this, and have the means to protect themselves from the impact. Whether they have understood the consequences of this impact on our natural environment, and what that means for the prospects of long-term human survival is more doubtful. They may likely unwittingly cut off the branch they are themselves sitting on.

Therefore, if we don’t put a stop to this mad conspiracy right now, our beautiful planet may well soon become a lifeless barren planet, like the Moon or Mars. It may be reduced to a cosmic memorial to the megalomaniac madness of our too technically brilliant, psychopathic self-appointed leaders, who fatally lack emotional intelligence, wisdom, and love for the human condition. 

Three crucial questions remain:

1) Are you aware that the Law and the justice system in most countries have long since been hijacked by the deep state racketeers? Who have now proved in country after country that they will impose dictatorial mandates overnight, erasing every letter of legal protection, even laws supposed to protect our innate irrevocable human rights, such as bodily integrity and basic freedom of expression. And they have done it at the drop of a word from the WHO, or a US health agency run by Big Pharma. How´s that for Democracy?

2) Do you realize that right now you are just like a brainwashed frog in a pan with slowly heating water?

3) Do you realize that your only chance of surviving with some kind of dignity and freedom is to jump out of that water NOW, before it reaches its boiling point, which is already VERY close?

In other words, it’s HIGH time we all join forces and take decisive action, leaving no-one in doubt that WE THE PEOPLE are sovereigns of our own lives and fates. We are not pawns of the handful of psychopath technocrats, billionaires and politicians who have robbed us of our power with their fraudulent de-mock-racy! And who plan to cook us all for dinner!

What’s at stake here is your life, and the lives and future of your near and dear, not just your job and your money!  – It’s about the possibility of your children and grandchildren to survive and evolve as free, healthy, conscious and happy individuals. 

Remember the Nazi holocaust, and the Fascist and Soviet terror regimes? – They are back, in a new version with the difference that the perpetrators now have vastly more advanced and subtle technology at their disposal. 

So what are you waiting for? – Contact everyone you know, share this with them and get organized! – Then try and find other conscious groups, and recruit key people in local and middle government, media, healthcare, local politics, trade, the industrial work force, distribution, communication, the police force, defence etc.

Make sure they understand what´s at stake, and ask them to forward this call for massive passive resistance to everybody they know!

Remember: No 5G and no vaccinations.

From now on, anyone vaccinated risks being inactivated or eliminated.  Don’t worry – nobody needs vaccinations if properly nourished and cared for. Everything you hear about vaccinations from the medical system is just untrue dangerous propaganda, based on fake science and endless greed.

Remember, this is about your own survival and your children’s future! – And you need to take action NOW!

By Jens Jerndal, ex Diplomat

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  • Utmärkt artikel som sammanfattar det kritiska läget, och slutligen föreslår tre frågeställningar för var och en att förhålla sig till. Gör det!

    Beträffande förhållandet mellan Covid-19 och 5G har jag i många kommentarsfält sedan i våras påpekat att de höga dödstalen i äldre- och demensboenden troligen har med 5G-installationer att göra, och samma sak gäller ovanligt höga sjukdomsfall i samma områden som där 5G-tekniken testas. Det är förstås ingen slump, men det verkar vara först nu som kopplingen görs på bred front.


    Vi såg ju alldeles i början av larmet att människor i Wuhan stupade på gatorna, och det kan knappast vara annat än exponering av 5G som orsakade detta fenomen. Dock ansågs not denna utkabling av plötsliga dödsfall väl övermaga eftersom de senare inte visades. De måste väl också sparas till bättre valda tillfällen, d v s i upptrappningen av efterfrågan på vaccinet.

  • Utmärkt artikel som sammanfattar det kritiska läget, och slutligen föreslår tre frågeställningar för var och en att förhålla sig till. Gör det!

    Beträffande förhållandet mellan Covid-19 och 5G har jag i många kommentarsfält sedan i våras påpekat att de höga dödstalen i äldre- och demensboenden troligen har med 5G-installationer att göra, och samma sak gäller ovanligt höga sjukdomsfall i samma områden som där 5G-tekniken testas. Det är förstås ingen slump, men det verkar vara först nu som kopplingen görs på bred front.


    Vi såg ju alldeles i början av larmet att människor i Wuhan stupade på gatorna, och det kan knappast vara annat än exponering av 5G som orsakade detta fenomen. Dock ansågs not denna utkabling av plötsliga dödsfall väl övermaga eftersom de senare inte visades. De måste väl också sparas till bättre valda tillfällen, d v s i upptrappningen av efterfrågan på vaccinet.

  • @ Ulf Claréus 12 augusti, 2020 at 14:52

    Så rätt Ulf, alldeles oavsett vad man tycker om världsläget så är Donald Trump vårt enda hopp.

    Jag fortsätter tjata om att vi alla, vid olika val av politiska företrädare, aldrig har ett parti eller en president kandidat som uppfyller alla våra kriterier, så ej heller Donald Trump.

    Men i valet mellan pest eller kolera så är valet av Trump självklart.

    Ställ er frågan varför han är så hatad av etablissemanget (dvs den finansoligarki som han hotar)??

    Jag tror att Trump är väl medveten om att han är uppe mot ett gigantiskt motstånd, men att han av rent taktiska skäl valt att försöka ta itu med Träsket först under sin andra och sista period.

    Det finns en rad områden där man redan nu anar att han kommer att agera, Big Tech Tyranny oligarkernas agerande mot honom personligen (läs tex Twitter) leder nog till att de sannolikt kommer att få sina fiskar varma om han återväljs i November.

    En rejäl uppstädning inom FBI, CIA, NSA och andra underrättelse organisationer är nog oxå att vänta.

    Det som är hans akilleshäl är samtidigt det som räddar USA från all dårskap, Trump är en narcissist och hans ego är gigantiskt. Att han dessutom tar allt personligt kommer nog vissa oligarker att få erfara.

    I like it!!!

  • Hej Newsvoice och Jens Jerndal.

    Tyvärr kan jag inte länka till denna artikel.
    Den har inget värde hos läsare utanför Newsvoice eftersom källhänvisning saknas helt.

    Kan ni åtgärda detta? Åtminstone hälften av alla påståenden.
    MVH Jesper

  • @ Ulf Claréus 12 augusti, 2020 at 14:52

    Så rätt Ulf, alldeles oavsett vad man tycker om världsläget så är Donald Trump vårt enda hopp.

    Jag fortsätter tjata om att vi alla, vid olika val av politiska företrädare, aldrig har ett parti eller en president kandidat som uppfyller alla våra kriterier, så ej heller Donald Trump.

    Men i valet mellan pest eller kolera så är valet av Trump självklart.

    Ställ er frågan varför han är så hatad av etablissemanget (dvs den finansoligarki som han hotar)??

    Jag tror att Trump är väl medveten om att han är uppe mot ett gigantiskt motstånd, men att han av rent taktiska skäl valt att försöka ta itu med Träsket först under sin andra och sista period.

    Det finns en rad områden där man redan nu anar att han kommer att agera, Big Tech Tyranny oligarkernas agerande mot honom personligen (läs tex Twitter) leder nog till att de sannolikt kommer att få sina fiskar varma om han återväljs i November.

    En rejäl uppstädning inom FBI, CIA, NSA och andra underrättelse organisationer är nog oxå att vänta.

    Det som är hans akilleshäl är samtidigt det som räddar USA från all dårskap, Trump är en narcissist och hans ego är gigantiskt. Att han dessutom tar allt personligt kommer nog vissa oligarker att få erfara.

    I like it!!!

  • Hej Newsvoice och Jens Jerndal.

    Tyvärr kan jag inte länka till denna artikel.
    Den har inget värde hos läsare utanför Newsvoice eftersom källhänvisning saknas helt.

    Kan ni åtgärda detta? Åtminstone hälften av alla påståenden.
    MVH Jesper

  • Jens Jerndal efterlyser kraftfulla folkliga motaktioner, annars blir det ”the New World Order”, d v s den internationella samlade Djupa Staten, som tar kommandot. För lång tid!
    När då? Jo, den första och sannolikt enda möjliga tidpunkten är nu i november, tisdagen 3:e, alltså vid det amerikanska presidentvalet, det som står mellan Biden och Trump.
    Resultatet kommer kablas ut i hela världen och med extremt stor spridning: Oberoende av vem som vinner, blir det ytterst bråkigt och beskyllningar om fusk är självklara och demonstrationer är garanterade i förväg. Då gäller det att handla, för några nya möjligheter kommer inte längre finnas.

    En universell generalstrejk är därför påkallad: 1. Vinner Trump är det i så fall en stöd-demonstration för honom, att direkt sätta igång med ”Drain the Swamp, Now”.
    2. Vinner Biden beror det på valfusk och generalstrejken kommer därför upphöra först när Trump installeras.
    Men denna gång gäller hårda nypor mot den kriminella Eliten och deras stödtrupper, allt under slagordet: ”Delete the Elite”!
    Alltså: Vid tiden för tillkännagivandet av amerikanska presidentvalsresultatet, säg midnatt lokal ostkuststid , skall hela klotets människor barrikadera sig på sina mest lämpliga ställen och kräva räfst och rättarting.

  • Tack Jens , tydligare har hittills ingen sammanfattat det som händer just nu och det som kommer att hända om man inte sätter stopp för det. Tyvärr finns det fortfarande många som inte tror att det blir verkligheten.
    Jag har skrivit ut din artikel och tänker lägga den i varenda brevlåda i min grannskap. Jag rekommenderar att alla som läsa detta gör samma sak. Att gå över Google , Facebook eller dylikt är lönlöst. Just nu används denna bekvämligheten emot oss. Att rättsväsendet är korrupt har jag redan vetat sedan minst 20 år men var inte tillräckligt kunnig att se de större sammanhang, trodde att det var ett lokal problem. För dom som känner sig modlös gentemot denna faran kan jag bara säga: är det bättre att leva som slav med risk att dö när ledaren tycker eller kan man samla lite mod och sprider ordet. Det gäller att lita på sig och säger nej till allt som man vill tvinga oss till, hur skön än förklaringen må vara. Vakna!!

  • Bra Jens! Hur få ut budskapet till massorna? Jag har tjatat sönder mina närmastes öron och huvuden utan större reaktioner mer än att man anses som provokativ och lite väl utanför boxen. Vad gör ni övriga för att påverka den närmaste bekantskapskretsen? Lever vi redan i en zombievärld där alla är uppkopplade i sina bubblor utan möjlighet till interaktion?

    • Jag känner verkligen igen mig i din beskrivning. Jag har diskuterat allt från 9/11 , fejken på drottninggatan , Palme-mordet , men kanske framför allt Corona-bluffen med massor av folk det senaste året efter att jag kommit hem från en längre utlandsvistelse. Tyvärr är det väldigt svårt att få folk att ta en på allvar när det gäller sånt som är helt uppåt väggarna från deras synvinkel.

      Och till min stora förvåning är det tyvärr också så att de som är mer eller mindre medvetna och i stort har samma uppfattning som mig själv är väldigt uppgivna och anser att det inte finns så mycket att göra åt eländet. ”Man får vänta och se vad som händer” , ungefär.

  • Jens Jerndal efterlyser kraftfulla folkliga motaktioner, annars blir det ”the New World Order”, d v s den internationella samlade Djupa Staten, som tar kommandot. För lång tid!
    När då? Jo, den första och sannolikt enda möjliga tidpunkten är nu i november, tisdagen 3:e, alltså vid det amerikanska presidentvalet, det som står mellan Biden och Trump.
    Resultatet kommer kablas ut i hela världen och med extremt stor spridning: Oberoende av vem som vinner, blir det ytterst bråkigt och beskyllningar om fusk är självklara och demonstrationer är garanterade i förväg. Då gäller det att handla, för några nya möjligheter kommer inte längre finnas.

    En universell generalstrejk är därför påkallad: 1. Vinner Trump är det i så fall en stöd-demonstration för honom, att direkt sätta igång med ”Drain the Swamp, Now”.
    2. Vinner Biden beror det på valfusk och generalstrejken kommer därför upphöra först när Trump installeras.
    Men denna gång gäller hårda nypor mot den kriminella Eliten och deras stödtrupper, allt under slagordet: ”Delete the Elite”!
    Alltså: Vid tiden för tillkännagivandet av amerikanska presidentvalsresultatet, säg midnatt lokal ostkuststid , skall hela klotets människor barrikadera sig på sina mest lämpliga ställen och kräva räfst och rättarting.

  • Jävligt informativ artikel med ett helhetsgrepp på problematiken som omgärdar den här globala bluffen. Jag har tagit del av mycket initierade artiklar och filmer i ämnet och jag kan nog säga att den här artikeln är den mest vittomspännande och bästa hittills.

  • Fantastisk bra artikel som tar upp allt det du behöver veta om ”den nya världsordningen” och virusepidemin!!!

    All heder åt Jens Jerndal för hans utmärkta beskrivning av världens situation och hans vädjan om handling för att rädda världens befolkning från ett totalt slaveri och sjukdom och död!

    Läs, ta till er det skrivna och sprid överallt!!! Glöm aldrig att vi är många fler än de som vill oss ont!

  • Tack Jens , tydligare har hittills ingen sammanfattat det som händer just nu och det som kommer att hända om man inte sätter stopp för det. Tyvärr finns det fortfarande många som inte tror att det blir verkligheten.
    Jag har skrivit ut din artikel och tänker lägga den i varenda brevlåda i min grannskap. Jag rekommenderar att alla som läsa detta gör samma sak. Att gå över Google , Facebook eller dylikt är lönlöst. Just nu används denna bekvämligheten emot oss. Att rättsväsendet är korrupt har jag redan vetat sedan minst 20 år men var inte tillräckligt kunnig att se de större sammanhang, trodde att det var ett lokal problem. För dom som känner sig modlös gentemot denna faran kan jag bara säga: är det bättre att leva som slav med risk att dö när ledaren tycker eller kan man samla lite mod och sprider ordet. Det gäller att lita på sig och säger nej till allt som man vill tvinga oss till, hur skön än förklaringen må vara. Vakna!!

  • Bra Jens! Hur få ut budskapet till massorna? Jag har tjatat sönder mina närmastes öron och huvuden utan större reaktioner mer än att man anses som provokativ och lite väl utanför boxen. Vad gör ni övriga för att påverka den närmaste bekantskapskretsen? Lever vi redan i en zombievärld där alla är uppkopplade i sina bubblor utan möjlighet till interaktion?

    • Jag känner verkligen igen mig i din beskrivning. Jag har diskuterat allt från 9/11 , fejken på drottninggatan , Palme-mordet , men kanske framför allt Corona-bluffen med massor av folk det senaste året efter att jag kommit hem från en längre utlandsvistelse. Tyvärr är det väldigt svårt att få folk att ta en på allvar när det gäller sånt som är helt uppåt väggarna från deras synvinkel.

      Och till min stora förvåning är det tyvärr också så att de som är mer eller mindre medvetna och i stort har samma uppfattning som mig själv är väldigt uppgivna och anser att det inte finns så mycket att göra åt eländet. ”Man får vänta och se vad som händer” , ungefär.

  • Jävligt informativ artikel med ett helhetsgrepp på problematiken som omgärdar den här globala bluffen. Jag har tagit del av mycket initierade artiklar och filmer i ämnet och jag kan nog säga att den här artikeln är den mest vittomspännande och bästa hittills.

  • Fantastisk bra artikel som tar upp allt det du behöver veta om ”den nya världsordningen” och virusepidemin!!!

    All heder åt Jens Jerndal för hans utmärkta beskrivning av världens situation och hans vädjan om handling för att rädda världens befolkning från ett totalt slaveri och sjukdom och död!

    Läs, ta till er det skrivna och sprid överallt!!! Glöm aldrig att vi är många fler än de som vill oss ont!

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