Filip Sjostrom – First Swedish Citizen to be Fined due to the National Pandemic Law

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publicerad 18 mars 2021
- NewsVoice redaktion
Filip Sjöström på Medborgarplatsen. Tusenmannamarschen 6 mars 2021. Foto: T. Sassersson, NewsVoice

WORLD NEWS. The Swedish activist Mr Filip Sjostrom is the first citizen in Sweden to be fined due to the new national Pandemic Law. The fine is about 2000 Euro/USD. The fine was issued by the County Administrative Board as a consequence of Filip Sjostrom’s arrangement of the so called ”One Thousand Man March” for Citizens’ Freedom on March 6, 2021 in Stockholm City.

Mr Filip Sjostrom says on his way to the police interrogation today, he will appeal against the fine and that he is heavly backed by lawyers and private citizens that will help him to legally resist and to cover the costs.

Sjostrom says the Pandemic Law is based on incorrect and unscientific grounds. He claims the covid restrictions are hurting people more than they are protecting them. Also he says the restrictions chokes the freedom to demonstrate against unlawful restrictions.

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