Truckers – Sweden’s Freedom Convoys Starts – Weekend Protests in Stockholm

Torbjorn Sassersson is the founder of a news and debate channel that started in 2011. Sassersson (bachelor of science) has worked within media since 1995.
publicerad 19 februari 2022
- T. Sassersson
Sweden's Truckers Freedom Convoy

SWEDISH FREEDOM TRUCKERS. During this weekend starting today Sweden will have several Freedom Convoys to gather in the Capital. Truckers from the north, south, and west will travel to Stockholm. People will protest against green vaccine passports, attempts at mandatory vaccinations, and increased fuel prices in Sweden.

By Torbjorn Sassersson, editor, | NewsVoice vill broadcast from the events on Telegram:

On the evening of February 18, the convoy leader Johannes Haddad announced that he must resign as the leader of the protest because he was threatened by the police with a fine of 10.700 US dollars. Another person has approved to take over the leadership of the convoy on Saturday and Sunday.

Johannes Haddad, 18 feb 2022, selfie
Johannes Haddad, 18 feb 2022, selfie

”So everyone knows… why I’m not an organizer tomorrow. I have been told that I risk up to SEK 100,000 in fines and violations of the security rules.” – Johannes Haddad

Facebook: Convoy 2022 Sweden/Sverige

More than 100,000 people have on different social platforms shown their support for the convoys that are rolling towards Stockholm on February 19 and 20. Sweden only has a population of 10 million people compared to 38 million people in Canada, the country that manifested the first freedom convoys in the world.

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The weekend protests are also about showing sympathy for the people of Austria and Canada. The convoys as well as civilians without vehicles will gather outside the Embassies of Austria and Canada in Stockholm.

NewsVoice vill broadcast from Sweden’s Freedom Convoy on Telegram:

By Torbjorn Sassersson, editor,


Facebook: Convoy 2022 Sweden/Sverige

Feb 19: Embassy of Austria, Stockholm, 14:00
Feb 19: Myntorget, Stockholm, 16:00
Feb 20: Swedish Television (, Stockholm, 12:00
Feb 20: Embassy of Canada, Stockholm, 15:00

freedom convoys

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